Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
obi one tobi | | | | | | |
ray gun | | | | | | |
Whitey76 | | | | | | |
Josie778 | | | | | | |
SOMEPUNK | | | | | | |
Wally Sailor | | | | | | |
Jester | | | | | | |
Baldy |
Jet |
Benny |
Garry Baker |
Brayden Baker |
Craw |
Bertie |
Slappa |
Diablo |
Cupsta |
Troutty Trousers (AKA Fish Pants) |
Stacey |
brabo |
timl |
jay rey |
Slickmezzie |
goodzee |
sheppy |
Average | 35.23 | 33.62 | 12.59 | 22.00 | 25.77 | 46.21 |
obi one tobi (4353km):
2968 days ago cranking breeze made me a gumby- trampoline the 6.6 to tear out some sq. m. still too big, went 5.5 gaastra from 1990's still too big as it jumped to whitecaps in the 20cm shallows.
great day hanging with my brother Raygun !
ray gun (14091km):
2968 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
Isonic 87, Overdrive 6.2, VSW 25.
Raid to Fangland with toby1. Looked windy when we arrived and continued to build as session went on.
Some nicely powered up runs on the 6.2 but with not much water around, a pretty big fin and some big weedbergs around it made for some nervous bearaways. Looking at where you want to go but knowing its too shallow we stayed out in the deeper stuff.
Was nice and choppy out there and so without a crab bite or a crash I decided to head in.
Thanks Obi for transporting my stuff was great to get out and catch up with Fangy again.
Whitey76 (4337km):
2968 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
100L PD, 6.2 OD, 29 WS. Waaay too much fin for the depth of water, could only really sail through the channel and a bit either side. Pretty frustrating to look at such a big expanse of flat water that I couldn't sail in. Jo sliced her foot open on her weedy so off to the Peel hospital to wait for 4 hours for them to do nothing and send her home!
Good times sailing with all the boys though!
Josie778 (1237km):
2968 days ago 1 categories  Peel Inlet, WA, AU
PD F-Cross 102, NCX 5.5, Weedspeed 29
Gusty day, soo very shallow even with my smallest fin. Got some very quick runs to the channel and back again but going over the channel got a bit hairy as the afternoon progressed. Pushed it one too many times and wiped out and opened up my toes on my fin whilst water starting..... Day over :(
Great to meet the Mandurah crew, thanks Elmo for giving us the low down on where to and not to venture with my fins.
Will be back one day with a delta to try out your speed run!!!
SOMEPUNK (6558km):
2967 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
A real education in how different it is to chase speed. Upon rigging I discovered that the weed fin Slowboat had kindly loaned me would not fit my board. Yoyo came to the rescue and lent me one of his which was great as I think heading out on anything else would have been courting disaster. Next issue I ended up choosing too small a sail and then proceeded to muck around with settings until I got an ok result with board not tail walking like a wild bronco! Missed the best bullits while dicking around but feel it was worth it as I know much more than I did at the beginning of the day! Great crew out all encouraging eachother and having fun.
Starboard I-Sonic 87, Severne Reflex 5.6, Pepe Weed 28
Wally Sailor (679km):
2967 days ago Pelican Point, WA, AU
I really enjoyed yesterday! Sailed with a 5.5m, 114L Exocet Cross and 32cm wave MFC fin.
I wondered where you all got to, no wonder there wasn't much traffic :).
The chop was breaking on the bank with the low tide. One kite surfer was jumping close to 50 feet high. Normally I don't look at the kiters much but this guy was fast and a dare devil (he must have been in from the coast for the windy conditions).
It was very gusty until about 3pm then it went ballistic, 20-33knots. Neil Scheltema reckoned he went his fastest ever yesterday on a downwind run from Point Walter. He has now ordered a GPS. No nasty injuries a Pelican Point yesterday so all in all a great day out.
Jester (844km):
2962 days ago