Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Rogues | | | | | | |
the new guy | | | | | | |
Where'sDave? | | | | | | |
Sean Dayhew | | | | | | |
Bossman | | | | | | |
Roar | | | | | | |
Tim Ford | | | | | | |
Larko | | | | | | |
Chris Ting |
Sam Parker |
JB |
Craig Hammond |
table top russ |
Spanners |
Andy B |
Allan Gleeson |
AG1 |
Spencer Harris |
Rossco |
Wysey |
Marty1970 |
Lee Condell |
Eel |
AUS154 |
ayden |
Ndorfin |
Average | 35.89 | 33.26 | 16.65 | 21.91 | 24.07 | 85.63 |
Rogues (2694km):
4035 days ago Sans Souci, NSW, AU. Wind started at 18-20knts form the S and built to 25-30knts SSE.
Fanatic Falcon 89L with JP 32cm fin. NP RSS 6.7m then North Warp 5.7m.
Comfy setup with the RSS and did top speeds on that but then the old girl finally gave out with a big hole in the middle panel so changed down to the 5.7m Never felt good on the 5.7m. It felt quite twitchy plus by then the tide came up and covered the speed stip so no speeds above 33knts with that.
the new guy (37314km):
4035 days ago Canton, SSE 20-25 knots
iSonic 90, Loft Switchblade 7.3, 20cm MUF Delta
Early start to catch the early southerly that lazily appeared around lunchtime. Not quite enough wind to change down from the big gear or get big bearaways, so I spent a bit of time on alphas 
Great day out with a few Cockys and friendly locals.

Where'sDave? (5360km):
4035 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU
IS94 - 5.8 RAMF9 - MUF delta 19
Got there Early with Mike and the forcast wind didn't show up - Decided to rig up and play anyway but I ripped out the pully cleat from the sail whilst riggin my 6.6 ( bigest sail I had with me). Thanks Mick for trying to help jerry rig something.
Rigged the 5.8 and slogged arround got planning a few time but it was pretty frustrating.
Packeed it up at 2pm as the wind showed up 
Sean Dayhew (8784km):
4035 days ago Sandringham, NSW, AU
JP Slalom VI 101, RSR IV 7.0, Talon 36
Bossman (14551km):
4035 days ago St George Sailing Club South 20-30 knots
JP Slalom Pro X 59 North Warp F2013 7.0 Tectonics T43 34
2 hours to late for the strip.
Too much sail, too much board, too much fin, too much everything.

Roar (11958km):
4035 days ago 2 categories   Sans Souci, NSW, AU
maui TRX 7.0 / 115 patrik / 34 nitro.
Got out at sandringham at 9 am to nice 18-20 knot and nice flat water accross the bay- sailed up to sand bar and had some awesome flat water runs. - wind picked up and lots ppl turned up - got too choppy and over powered on 7.0 so went and had some beer.
Tim Ford (8857km):
4034 days ago Sans Souci, NSW, AU
JP slalom 92 (way to fast for conditions) AHD 77 - NP Combat 5.3

Larko (11478km):
4034 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU
A strange but fun day at Canton. Got there early due to forecast to find zero wind. Rigged big as it slowly picked up. Had a couple of hours of good runs, filled in nicely. Lots of the boys having fun in the sun, water pretty flat under the weed banks but choppy as further down.
Had a couple of drags with MT and the lads. Not quite the right direction but sweet sailing. Wind swung SE and had a bugger of a crash. Got flung around the front into the sail and then my board. Took that as a sign to pull the pin, sore as.
Falcon 112, Evo V 7.8, custom weedy 24.
