ODIN (38173km):
6201 days ago First day of the event and the wind was hovering 14 to 19kts after an hour or so it kicked in to about a good 25 kts so i did 2 runs on the big stuff and then decided to get my CA speed 44 which was 2.5 km run back to the house which i did and then when i came back it died off so the it only lasted about 30 mins , mate that was a frustrating day for me i should have stayed and got my averages up but who was to know.
The next day the wind just did not kick in and thats when i decided to take the Speed 44 out did couple of runs and it was all over caught the last gust coming in which came out of no where and clocked a 35.6kt peak and that was it.
Was very surprised how the Ca speed 44 got going in the light stuff if i new that i should have had it on saturday out but all is good.
Glyn well done on your PBs and winning the event mate you deserved it.
Exocet TB2 67 , 34cm goldwing , 6.4 stealth