Sailor | 2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) | ||||||||||||
Pepe47 |
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Hardie |
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evets |
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Elmo |
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Bender |
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Jason WASURF |
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Webby |
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Decrepit |
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Binny | ||||||||||||||||||
Bugs | ||||||||||||||||||
Firiebob | ||||||||||||||||||
man of | ||||||||||||||||||
Sammy the snail | ||||||||||||||||||
SluGger | ||||||||||||||||||
Bully boy fat Basil | ||||||||||||||||||
ratz | ||||||||||||||||||
fangy | ||||||||||||||||||
otts | ||||||||||||||||||
Oaf | ||||||||||||||||||
(Puf-) fin | ||||||||||||||||||
Shane121 | ||||||||||||||||||
WazzaYotty | ||||||||||||||||||
Morts | ||||||||||||||||||
Mad Max | ||||||||||||||||||
TOBYchef | ||||||||||||||||||
Jonski | ||||||||||||||||||
Swindy | ||||||||||||||||||
remery | ||||||||||||||||||
Auz | ||||||||||||||||||
waricle | ||||||||||||||||||
Greggo | ||||||||||||||||||
Frank | ||||||||||||||||||
Rayman | ||||||||||||||||||
Rocky | ||||||||||||||||||
Hammer | ||||||||||||||||||
Lombok | ||||||||||||||||||
Katalyst | ||||||||||||||||||
The Scud | ||||||||||||||||||
Stingray | ||||||||||||||||||
Rob | ||||||||||||||||||
Sam | ||||||||||||||||||
Scud | ||||||||||||||||||
Ilya Panagushin | ||||||||||||||||||
Average | 36.34 | 34.28 | 14.68 | 24.81 | 29.63 | 70.95 | ||||||||||||
Pepe47 (12846km): ![]() Tabou rocket 95, 6.2m hellcat, 34cm pepechet weedie. Met Lao Shi and Nebs around 10:00 and as they headed off into the distance I measured out the Nautical mile and decided to have a crack at it, as I've been pulling out too early in previous attempts. Managed to beat it by 2 knots. Absolutely stoked. | ||||||||||||||||||
Hardie (35900km): ![]() iSonic 86 Vapor 6m LE Weed 27cm Went for Alphas today and a few speed runs on the iSonic, really liking this board. Bit disappointed not to crack 24kts on the Alpha's probably too choppy coming in, still too scared to go to AlphaLand on a lowish high tide. Got lots of work to do to crack 25kts. | ||||||||||||||||||
evets (21562km): Quick pm session despite having decided to rest ribs until Sunday..... the conditions were good and it was worth it sailing with Nebs, Lao Shi, Hardie, Decrepit, Binny, Webby, Benny, Jet, Snides, Yoyo CA52SL 5.8RSSII Benetic 26 weedy Followed Hardie and he left me for dead, he was 5kts faster. I asked about technique and managed to improve by 4 kts: many thnaks Hardie. I could have gone faster but kept missing the gusts, they were strong but intermittent and rarely there when I was going the right direction. NM was first run of the day I was was rarely powered up..... this combo will be quick if I ever get it right.
Best alpha actually passed over up wind by about 20 mteres, how quick could it have been if I had got it right? Great to see my friend John on the grass, I think he will be an asset to the MM once we get him completely hooked Rib injury meant I could not flip the rig from port to starboard att boom, had to walk mast tip around. That was the only inconvienience so I am happy. ***** note that I can now go up wind. Thanks to those who pointed out I need to have the mast base at or near the back of the track with a weedy (Snides and Ado i think)*****
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Elmo (32159km): ![]() JP Speed 54, NP RS4 6.7m, Elmo Weed 25cm Last to get down there, I'm going to have to start charging people for whenever I get my car serviced I get done over waiting for it anf the mongrel wind goes of in the mean time, I'm sure I can get some spare brass. Got down there Hardz says the 60 is running out of puff so after the last couple of nights with the wind dropping 5 knots whilst I rig I rigged the 6.7m the first run told me I had a bit of a handful the run back I had more than a little handful, shoulda rigged the 5.8. Although the snot looks like it's clearing still hit a few patches which scared the crap out of me, Little short runs down wind as I wasn't brave enough to push into unknown snotty teritory, notice everyone getting of the water so as i'm a bit of a chicken when it comes to sailing by myself, I packed it in. Good fun | ||||||||||||||||||
Bender (23190km): ![]() Bunbury back Beach 20-25knts Southerly LOC training F2 SX63, RSR 7.2m, tech F1 32cm Quick sail after getting out of work late. Got on the water at 5.30pm off by 6pm as have dad duties. First time with the f132with this combo. It definatley feels better going broad over large swell and chop. Going up wind was painful bashing into shoulder high swell and chop resulting in many air moments. Down hill was unreal. I'm starting to get really comfy being wildy over powered in open swell and chop. Bring on the LOC Very happy with a open ocean max display PB of 33.02knts Its pretty easy to see where i got my max
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Jason WASURF (1009km): ![]() 6.3 TR4, 79 fanatic falcon, 33 choco
thought i would give the choco a second chance, good till about 33 knots and thats it... | ||||||||||||||||||
Webby (1961km): Started on isonic 94 but quickly changed down to f2 sx small, 5.8 x15 tushie sail . Still trying to get use to f2 moved back foot straps forward and that seem to help with control need to do serious work on gibes on this board, but a good fun sail in windy bumpy conditions Well done Mike and Pepe on PBs | ||||||||||||||||||
Decrepit (55576km): ![]() What a great day it turned out to be!!! Went for alphas again, decided it was abit too choppy thru the middle to get a good hour. Tried at first where I was yesterday, off Howard's hootchie, but then joined Jet, Snides & Yoyo deep in alpha land, very glad I did! Was a bit sceptical at first, thought I'd collect too much weed on the 23cm 40deg fin, and I did a few runs, but there was enough runs when the fin stayed free of weed to make it worthwhile! Always nice to get a PB! Only worrying thing was the stingray, that suddenly appeared in the middle of the course. Bit of an alpha war today, Nebs and LaoShi were also going for alphas at the other end of the estuary, be interesting to compare all our results.
Here's my PB
The start leg varied between 29.5 and 30.5 knots, the finish leg got up to 27kts, min speed 14.8kts. Either the wind on the way in was better, or I was going more upwind on the way out. Wanted to make sure I got within the 50m, think that's why the software has made the start leg longer than the finish. |
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