FormulaNova (1242km):
4831 days ago 1 categories  Safety Bay, WA, AU
Another (the last for this trip) day in Safety Bay. It was windier, but harder work than yesterday. Being the last day, we left the water earlier too, just about the time it got flatter and there was much less traffic in the pond. Oh well, a good day's sailing none the less.
I was on a 6.5m Ezzy Infinity and a Mistral 115L Syncro.
AUS2001 (3512km):
4829 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU S-type70/4.2 XS-2
NSW slalom championships heat 4
Had fantastic starts in all 3 heats,twice 1st,once 2nd across the start line. In 2 races I was 2nd to the first mark,that got the wind up the big boys and really made them pump Ended up in the middle of the field at the end of each race.I,m not last anymore with my little sail.