bushfire (26346km):
4642 days ago Lake Illawarra, NSW, AU. Primbee. Low tide again , I was a bit spooked by the low level today (not help by the fact that I hit something submereged - scared the S#@t out of me , but no damage?). WSW wind maybe > 20 knots late in the day.
Arrived early (just after 7am) and was met with 4 or 5 intrepid souls already getting ready! Unfortunately the predicted wind hadn't hit so although I rigged and trudged out through the weed there wasn't enough wind to get going - I suppose I was just desperate for a sail!
I got back on the water at about 12:30 and had a great sail, mainly down near the entrance. The wind was patchy but the Sv 7m was feeling great - reacting well to the gusts and driving the board well. I switched over to the iSonic as the wind increased and set the best speeds on this board. No great speeds but fun none the less. By the end of the day the 7m sail was on the limit and I was getting buggered. A bit of a lost opportunity for better speeds.
Great to see a lot of guys out - Gustbusters, 'roaches and Pit Crew
SB iSonic 78, JP SS 109, SV R3 7m, BP WS 28/45, Limey weedy.