Feilian (14464km):
4476 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU cold southerly, drove out to culburra and had a chat to Jase who was rigging up from a 5.0 to a 5.4 , the lake looked like a sloppy mess so headed to sanctuary point and a dieing southerly,almost a no sail day until after chatting with alex and arky, alex had a 25 2 sec on the dial and was on his way for a distance PB so rigged the 7.2 and and a great blast through the weed beds
alex was on a mission and all over the place with his 4.2? and having ball, hope to see his tracks and the long slog home in a dieing s/e
gutsy effort guys , i ordered a pizza and kept an eye you both , the wind turned S/E and looked like a good run down to sussex inlet then a down wind run home , waiting for your post and hopefully some tracks 
ca55,23 weedy,n/p7.2rsr
AUS2001 (3512km):
4476 days ago 1 categories  awesome day, started early and it was cold because it was a southerly and had to wear a long wetsuit.Spent most of the day zooming throught the weed beds with Keiths special fin.Later Dad,Keith and Jason came downwind but only Keith and I could get the super smooth water with our special fins that go faster in weed,Dad with a normal weed fin just got bogged or catapulted Also had some big runs over to Errowal bay,big chop and crashed a jump and landed with my ribs on the boom.The wind started to drop and everyone started going in,I had about 47NM on my GPS but I wanted to do 100km and I was a few miles short.Home is downwind.If I sailed home I will get 100.Dad and I set off ,planed out of the bay but then the wind died and we schlogged all the way home.If it remained windy we would of got dozens of long,long bearaways and done another 25km and still been home half an hour earlier too.I will look forward to doing that another day .

KA360 (2872km):
4476 days ago 2 categories   just a fantastic day ,I got a distance PB 100+km and how cool is it that your 11 year old son does it that same day! Not that we were sailing together that much apart from the schlogg home and when he got me to sail directly into the weed beds assuring me it was safe with a weed fin. As I predicted ,no way can you get through weed that thick,catapulting nemerous times while being egged on by Alex and Keith.I did however thread my way through a couple of times for a special ride where your board makes that "like its hailing" noise when you're going really fast on really smooth water but most runs either ended badly or nearly ended badly even with a good weed fin.Keith has been talking hin fins up,but who listens to that old coot. But Alex won't use anything else when he wants to go fast and would recommend C3 venom owners to upgrade