Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Ian Knight | | | | | | |
AUS2001 | | | | | | |
Feilian | | | | | | |
KA360 | | | | | | |
mick | | | | | | |
Mudskipper |
Bristol |
Samuel Brain |
Paul Dorsett |
SkindupTruk |
FormulaNova |
Jeff Maitland |
Jase |
Anna |
troll |
Pete |
Geezer |
AUS3111 |
Ben Flood |
Troll |
Rhys |
rick |
Brooksy |
Sam |
road runner |
Tricky Dicky |
Peter Berckelman |
Gav |
Kye |
nikipiki |
Andrew |
AUS-8 |
AUS-81 |
Brenden Dunn |
Peanut (Liam) |
COZA12 |
Matty Nix |
Geoff |
Geoffrey Two Dogs |
Average | 32.49 | 29.62 | 12.22 | 18.53 | 21.22 | 38.29 |
Ian Knight (4984km):
4469 days ago 1 categories  Bulli, NSW, AU Back on deck with a new GT31. A bumpy day at Sandon Point with Nick and Mike. Tabou rocket 64, Severne NCX 6.0
AUS2001 (3512km):
4469 days ago Gerroa,wavesailing- its been over a year since I have been in waves and it was fantastic fun.Couldn,t do any jumps as there was not enough wind near shore and pumping out the back,just as the last time I was here. Got dozens of waves that were only about boom high,getting heaps of linked bottom and top turns and carving harder and harder every run- nice warmup for tomorrow
Feilian (14464km):
4469 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU good roll up of sailors today mike hamish and liver ,and as usual boats and jet skis ,BIG stack on a down winder with some boat chop ouch,
ca55,custom 18weedy,5.5h/p rss
KA360 (2872km):
4469 days ago Gerroa, wavesailing in smooth water and small clean waves.Alex and I were ripping it up as if we were at a skatepark. In fact the waves were the same size as the halfpipe i our yard so we really got dialed i quickly.Stronger wind tomorrow,should be better for jumping and we are going back for more.Today we were on freeride boards tomorrow we will use wave boards
mick (926km):
4469 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU 2nd session for the day, stronger wind, still with 4.7 and 84 l cross, the gusts were very solid, very tired!!!!