KA360 (2872km):
4433 days ago Gerroa, NSW, AU got there early,the waves small but clean ,smooth out the back and already over 20 knots so I rigged a 4.7 S-1.I watched Alex for a while,he was ripping up those waves with his new surfing skills and that freakish board which is like a skateboard.He was having a ball. My first run out with Alex following,I popped over a couple of broken waves,then launched over the first clean one into a forward.Landed it without losing any speed or getting any water on me
I knew then this was going to be a great day!
We rode heaps of waves and got plenty of jumps but in the end we got blown off the water.As the wind increased the waves flattened out,and we just 2 strong wind days and we were worn out so we went home for a late lunch.
Alex has been sailing a few knots faster since getting some tips from Cribby,24 knots on a twins fin waveboard? 21 would be normal for him on a single fin waveboard.
After lunch we were feeling fast and went to Sanctuary point. The wind was nuking ,even stronger than Gerroa so I rigged a meter bigger 5.6 cambered sail Isonic 80 with one of Keith weed super specials.Now I can play in the weed beds where Keith and Alex go.Once you get over the fear of"hit the weed for speed"( which is not easy after attemping it with a normal weed fin which always ended very badly and those two laughing at me :) it is an amazing playground.I got my highest speed coming into the weed,Keith and Alex have speed runs coming out.Which line is fastest?Who's going the wrong way?How does Alex take that line along the shore?There are more PB's to come from that weed yet!