KA360 (2872km):
4167 days ago Great group of visitors to Sanctuary point today,awesome day even though we had to rerig a few times which just made it more social.Kids went away for the weekend so I ended up having the longest session I've had in a long while,kept having one more run over the weed beds with my fantastic Severne Gator sail.So much fun on a speed board with no camber inducers,got some massive jumps in the chop and so easy to gybe and made those NP RS sails look slow
Also had my first run on my new(but had it for months) STARBOARD NUEVO 80, Wow,oh what a feeling,like no other board I have ever riden. I wasn't expecting much from a waveboard on flat water,but it is fantastic.Unfortunately the southerly brough in lots of weed and the twin fin was like a rake,,collecting the weed.Next NEer thats the board I will be riding the hanging for the day we can make it to Gerroa
Ian Knight (4984km):
4166 days ago Bulli, NSW, AU Very choppy, but a smooth patch inside the reef to try and get a gust in. Tabou rocket 105, NCX 5.5.