Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Andrew Haigh | | | | | | |
Bruce Healey | | | | | | |
Cluffy | | | | | | |
Greg Kiskarpati | | | | | | |
Byron Mcilveen | | | | | | |
adamhatfield | | | | | | |
Murray Towndrow | | | | | | |
Ian Wright | | | | | | |
GeoffS | | | | | | |
Big Tom | | | | | | |
sboardcrazy | | | | | | |
Hugh | | | | | | |
Tim Ford |
James Farley |
Mick Saunders |
nick0 |
John Pearce |
rus13b |
Glenn Rumford |
Steve Walsh |
Ben Turner |
Bear |
Tibor |
Nige Watts |
Timbotto |
Bostonfoil |
Ant-man |
mick13B |
Woody |
katelyn |
Chopper |
Brent Hopkins |
Craig Forbes |
Where's Leanne |
MobZ |
Croanster |
dutchie1964 |
Ākos Molnār |
dutchie1964 |
Kev |
Brett |
Average | 35.88 | 34.39 | 23.99 | 23.36 | 28.84 | 96.60 |
Andrew Haigh (51606km):
4103 days ago Coal Point, NSW, AU
Naish 95sp and 6.6 TR7 then B+J with 5.0 wave sail
Bruce Healey (24968km):
4103 days ago 1 categories  Coal Point, NSW, AU
GPS 1 hour thingo. Bit disappointed with speeds, was very strong NE & really rough, even at the sand islands. No real place to bear away fast so I worked up to Belmont but not good there either. Had a great run downwind steering through the chop. C'est la vie. Back to work tomorrow, won't that be fun.
Cluffy (4190km):
4103 days ago Coal Point, NSW, AU
JP 56 wide, Gaastra savage 6.0 select 29cm eliptical.
I'm not sure of the exact wind strength but it needs to be reasonably windy for me to get that gear out. I sailed mostly at the sand islands as it was very choppy out in the middle. I had a crook back before I went out and and it's stuffed now but W/E I had an awesome day I sailed my ass off. Watching the guys in the gps series doing mental bear aways in the chop inspired me to go a bit harder and I'm happy with my 2 second and my 10 second but my nautical mile is kind of wussy considering the gear I was on and the wind strength. What can I say it was on the way back from the sand islands and I was buggered and just wanted to make it back drama free lol. Great job with the gps series Byron and plenty of great sailors turned up to make it an awesome day with lots of guys really going for it in some very lumpy conditions it was awesome to watch.
yron what an
Greg Kiskarpati (21608km):
4103 days ago Coal Point, NSW, AU AB 59 , Tr9/7.6 vmax 33
Honking nor easter 25 to 30 knots , nowhere to hide today , killer chop in the middle of the bay , and pretty bumpy at the sand islands as well,
The lake is up about a foot so that didnt help
Byron Mcilveen (65961km):
4103 days ago Coal Point, NSW, AU 6.6m Maui TR9 , Exocet RS2, v max 31 fin 25 to 30 knts
The board & fin were unbelievable in the chop flat out we had high tide today so it did not get flat so realy happy with the hr knowing if you had flat water how much quicker it could be.
What a spot coal point and the sand islands you can rest out in the lake on a knee deep sand bar it is a unreal place.
Thanks to all that went in the Brown dog GPS day we should see some unreal PB for the hr as you normaly just dont go that hard for an hr.
Hue should post a high speed , Musa, Bruce, Rick should see a great 1 hr , so much fun sailing with friends shame more did not come to an unreal spot I was powered up 25 to 30 knts with the 6.6m clean water sunshine and heaps of wind.
Results for today will be calculated tomorow thanks to James who has mised today due to being out of the country.
I need people to send there files to my email
adamhatfield (2074km):
4103 days ago Great sail today, beautiful nor-easter. Had loads of fun on the 100l Freestyle and 6.2 Atlas.
Pretty average speeds again, I've given up trying to go fast just focussing on having fun.
Marmong Point, NSW, AU
Murray Towndrow (8742km):
4103 days ago Coal Point, NSW, AU
Isonic 97, Gaastra Vapor 7.1
Big day, glad to have made the effort, always fun to sail with a good crew and hit up one of the best spots in a NE on the east coast.
Ian Wright (16802km):
4103 days ago Trial Bay, NSW, AU..
Quick afternoon sail at SWRocks.Gusty EN/E.15+ knots
Futura 122 Retro 6m

GeoffS (8364km):
4103 days ago Marmong Point, NSW, AU
Bit late for the GPS racing so went to Marmong to keep out of the way.
Exocet 105 Gaastra 6.0
Should maybe have gone 7.0 but the 6 was comfortable except in the lulls and occasionally was well powered up.
Last sail before back to the grind tomorrow.
Must have been wild at the sand islands.

Big Tom (2466km):
4103 days ago Marmong Point, NSW, AU
122L Carve, 38 Drake,7.5 Retro 15 kts NE
Arrived a bit late for the good blow
sboardcrazy (26271km):
4100 days ago 20-25kts NE Peel st Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Yay I broke 30kts 1st time! 30.67 on the GPS..also got a 30.3kt reading.. 4.8m Hucker , 78ltre tabou pocket wave + 23 cms makani weedie
Got there and Pete went out as a guinea pig with his 6.5m sail + 100 ltre board. Came straight in as too overpowered. Lucky he was theree as i was going to rig my 6.6m + 115ltre..
Rigged the 4.8m . well and trully overpowered going upwind but found out later that I ahd nowhere near enough downhaul on and the outhaul kept slipping so the sail was too full for the conditions. Came in after a while and fixed the downhaul etc hoping to go out and break 31kts..Only got one run or two runs and then it really kicked in so i came in and put the 4.2m on. Boy it's a pain getting in and out there 
Hoping to get better speeds .I was pretty powered up with that combo in the gusts but the chop had built up and I wasn't going as far into the shallows and flat as everyone else as I had a 23cms fin on and i knew they had 18cms.. Mick said i would have been ok so I'll go further in next time. It was getting choppy where I was doing my runs and there was only a short flat bit.Got another 30.03 earlier. Arms aching and a headache and I didn't seem to be getting any better so I came in.
My internet has been out the last few days so i didn't know the freerace was on at Coal. Still I wanted to crack 30kts and I think I would have found Coal pretty challenging in those winds. I need to get myself a 60/65 ltre board for those days. Ok now to aim for 32kts with a 20 alpha.. Bet there were some good speeds today. Big crowd out.

Hugh (11029km):
4092 days ago Coal Point, NSW, AU