Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
mick | | | | | | |
Mudskipper | | | | | | |
Ian Knight | | | | | | |
Feilian | | | | | | |
craig cole | | | | | | |
Bristol |
Samuel Brain |
Paul Dorsett |
SkindupTruk |
FormulaNova |
Jeff Maitland |
Jase |
KA360 |
AUS2001 |
Anna |
troll |
Pete |
Geezer |
AUS3111 |
Ben Flood |
Troll |
Rhys |
rick |
Brooksy |
Sam |
road runner |
Tricky Dicky |
Peter Berckelman |
Gav |
Kye |
nikipiki |
Andrew |
AUS-8 |
AUS-81 |
Brenden Dunn |
Peanut (Liam) |
COZA12 |
Matty Nix |
Geoff |
Geoffrey Two Dogs |
Average | 33.89 | 31.73 | 14.72 | 20.16 | 25.00 | 68.32 |
mick (926km):
4076 days ago 1 categories  Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU gusty conditions made it hard work. we will be back tomorrow and do it all again.
Mudskipper (1518km):
4075 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
6.7m VMG, Custom Slalom, Custom Weed Fin
Nice but gusty NNE breeze, had a few good runs then had a play on keef's speed board and NP 5.8m sail then back to the big gear
Ian Knight (4984km):
4075 days ago Bulli, NSW, AU "What about a downwinder ?" Darren texting Nick,Mike and myself. It was a beauty. 2hrs 20 minutes all up according to my GPS, which included a bit of a warm up at Sandon and a break at MM beach. 25 km as the crow flies. 
Feilian (14464km):
4075 days ago 1 categories  Nowra, NSW, AU great to see craig down here for a quick sail before lunch with the board of control i hope he posts , i rigged the 5/8 for craig and the 5.0 for myself , i should have taken the 5/8 after craig was done , mudslipper was pumping as useuall the sp60 wouldnt be an easy board to ride in those gusty conditions , also nice alpha paul ,naish sp80 18cm custom weedy 5.0 n/p rsr
craig cole (7197km):
4075 days ago 1 categories  Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
had the passengers seat taken today so couldnt fit any sails in the car keith was kind enought to rigg a 5/8 rs racing for me on his carbon art 55,what a board unreal in the chop takes half the efort to ride that my jp takes,(mite be on seebreeze real soon) mudskipper was on fire as usual awsome sailer to watch gybes like his on rails,thanks again keith for the lend
np 5,8,carbon art 55,keef special weed smoker!