Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
JJ | | | | | | |
Windxtasy | | | | | | |
Jeff | | | | | | |
Ricey | | | | | | |
Birdman | | | | | | |
Geoff | | | | | | |
GS | | | | | | |
Chris Porter | | | | | | |
paddymac | | | | | | |
JC2 |
Jemma |
scarrgo |
Jonah |
Windtech |
Bunyip |
AC1 |
Hooksey |
Lunny |
tailwind |
Flatchat |
Snickers |
Kenny |
Pacey |
SRS73 |
AndreaMunich |
Gloria |
Reg |
Topcat |
Clue Thirst |
The Shroom |
fingers |
Finback |
Peanut |
Aiden |
Average | 36.22 | 34.66 | 17.29 | 22.10 | 26.25 | 60.43 |
JJ (25827km):
3983 days ago 2 categories   Safety Bay
Fun day again at SB, bonus to get 2 strong seabreezes in a week in March.
Tide was lowest today at about 2 but the wind was only about 20 knots, as the wind strengthened to 22-25 the increasing tide made the run just a little too choppy for big speeds.
A top afternoon battling with Norts and watching Anita and Jeff smashing out runs.
M91, M47, GPS 6.6, MXR 25 (cut-down) DWS 22 (cut-down)
Windxtasy (14318km):
3983 days ago Safety Bay, WA, AU Mistral speed 73, K5.7, 23 elmo weedy
Not as windy as the Garden Island graphs would suggest. Probably 18-20 at 3 PM, picking up around 5 PM to 22-23
Safety Bay was almost deserted today. Everyone must have been at Liptons. Only JJ, Hardpole & Recycle to keep me company speedsailing, and a couple of wavesailors out. Only about 10 kites, although some of them were doggedly hogging the top of the speed run. JJ gave one lady kiter a big scare and she wasn't seen again.
The tide over the run was perfect early on but became choppy later, which was unfortunately when the wind picked up.
Just about every run today had a 2 sec of 30 + (remember when it took me nearly a whole year to get from 29.6 to 30? I never dreamed of being able to do it regularly!), except one where I spun out at the top of the run. I still managed a 29+ going sideways!
Pretty happy with my 33 (was 33.58 on the dial), that is a second best 2 sec for me and a PB for Safety Bay. I was hoping for a 34 knot PB (34 is the new 30) so being unable to get there I tried for the 5X instead. Was hoping for 31 but I guess that will have to wait for next time.
Jeff (13855km):
3983 days ago Safety Bay, CA , 5.8 Koncept. Lots of fun, got a bit choppy at the end, unfortunately that was when the wind seemed to fill in. but no complaints, great day out. In hind sight perhaps should have tried the 6.6, had 35.12 on display but it must have been very peaky.
Ricey (11089km):
3983 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Koncept 5.8, Xfire 80, CL weedy 23.5
Nice runs across the bank, only hit the sand near the pelicans once!
Birdman (2707km):
3983 days ago Pelican Point, WA, AU
Mistral Classic, NP 6.5m2 V8 T-lab 38cm
Magic after-work sail. Sailed for 75 minutes without dropping a gybe - best effort in over 20 years. There was an abundance of breeze for the first time ever on the Swan without those pathetic lulls - I didn't go flat-out at all through the middle of the river but wound it up a bit on the bear aways on the far sde of the river from Peli Point. The wind was staying strong in close to the yellow markers. I find the longer, older freestyle boards much more comfortable /forgiving in these 'slop-jumping' conditions, especially mingling with the ferries and yachts. Probably the most enjoyable session I've had since sailing in the early 90's.
Geoff (4576km):
3983 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Another thoroughly enjoyable sail at Tea Bags (AKA Liptons). Nice to catch up again with the friendly crew down there and meet a few more of them.
Tried for a NM and 2s Peak as suggested by Anita for backup. Was happy with the NM but the 2s Peak didn't work out. Rigged a 5.3 sail with the intention of getting a couple of good runs on the speed board late in the aftenoon. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough grunt in the 5.3 sail for it to work. Can't win 'em all. 
90s Seatrend Slalom - CA SP47 (later in the afternoon) - 5.3 Tushingham Lightning - 26 Choco Weed
GS (4113km):
3983 days ago Melville - Gusty! Futura 101, OD 6.5, Starboard 32cm. I think out of nervousness I over downhauled the sail and the whole session was just not right. Keep on learning!
Chris Porter (11725km):
3981 days ago 2 categories   PW. Conditions were great again, but not as windy as monday. Busted a batten first gybe which left my sail looking and feel like a bag of poo. Thought I'd do a few laps anyway. Very interesting to see what a difference the sail shape makes. Couldn't sail upwind, no power downwind.
CA SP47; Ram 6.3; Curtis/Lockwood 23.5
paddymac (10937km):
3973 days ago Pelican Point, WA, AU
Patrik 115, 6.5m Turbo