Pepe47 (12846km):
3980 days ago 7.1m ka, 98 manta, 30cm meweedie. Got to Australind with Shano and prevaricated on a plan of attack, one where both of us would survive the outcome. For some stupid reason I rigged the 7.1 which was due to the small voice in my head. Have to stop feeding him alcohol. This may have been because of the one moment where, briefly, the wind dropped enough for the chop to look as if it was reasonable. This lasted long enough for both of us to get going, but short enough to realise the error of judgement. Trying to keep the board on the water in the squalls was, well, interesting.
Still, a good learning experience, and Jiminy Cricket can go $uck himself. 
STROPPO (34566km):
3980 days ago Safety Bay, WA, AU Fun sail with Rod thought the pond would be more smoother wrong the tide was a killer but good to get wet and plane along down wind going holly shit its choppy that put a smile on my face and gave me the fix and made me feel alive got out when it was dark one happy chappy no great speeds but allready looking forward to the next storm i love winter sailn its a real test sometimes