Tricky Dicky (3023km):
3753 days ago 1 categories  Gerroa, NSW, AU Sailworks Revolution 5.2, JP Single Fin Thruster 93L, 25cm wave fin. Good sail choice for today, was very gusty and pretty strong at times, Revo handle d it well considering that I thought I would me massively overpowered in the gusts, but all was well......
No waves, just a tiny beach break. Good fun day, better than the disappointment that was yesterday.
Feilian (14464km):
3752 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU a while since i sailed here and missed the best part of the wind and watching Ado(PIT CREW) on his speed board and 5/8 fully powered up race sail, hamish registered between 25 to 34 knts at the ramp so im guessing it was a high 30's to maybe 40 out in the middle , great effort Ado 36knts in that slop is scary stuff on a speed board
also great to see the kidds out there fully powered up mixing it with the big boys , naish sp80, 18cm weedy, n/p rsr 5/0
Gav (2756km):
3752 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU,quick sail this arvo isonic 76, koncept 5.0 metre mxr 22cm fin
KA360 (2872km):
3752 days ago 1 categories  SEVERNE FR33K 4.0m Fun freestyle speed day.Can't believe my fastest 2 sec was right in the bay,running out of realestate fast but also right where everyone is standing and watching
Those 3 nice waves in the tracks (bottom right) LOOPS -2 of those landed fully planng

Kids were also going off.Alex and Rhys using 2.5m sails .
