Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Sick_em_rex | | | | | | |
. | | | | | | |
Ads | | | | | | |
Larko | | | | | | |
AlfaMale | | | | | | |
Tim Ford | | | | | | |
Where'sDave? | | | | | | |
Roar | | | | | | |
Chris Ting |
Sam Parker |
JB |
Craig Hammond |
table top russ |
Spanners |
Andy B |
Allan Gleeson |
AG1 |
Spencer Harris |
Rossco |
Wysey |
Marty1970 |
Lee Condell |
Eel |
AUS154 |
ayden |
Ndorfin |
Average | 35.22 | 33.56 | 19.81 | 23.10 | 27.97 | 57.66 |
Sick_em_rex (12281km):
3734 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
Koncept 6.6, Falcon 89, Tribal 32
Got out just before 1 and had a bob around planing in the odd gust. Came in and sat on the beach in the glorious weather for a half hour or so and then it started filling in. Within an hour there were some gusts over 25 I'd say with it being a solid 15-20. I was on the limit with my 6.6 in the gusts but in control still which is a nice feeling for me. Used my gloves which have certainly helped my hands but I would never say they were a comfortable thing to wear.
No flat water anywhere, some ridiculous troughs over at the runway so I'm happy to break 30 knots considering the conditions. I hope it keeps blowing all arvo for those not lucky enough to get down when I did
. (49698km):
3733 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Ha, great sess
Ill take the nm, super dissapointed with the alphas and hr, fell in, so stuffed it......still, sweet sess, sweet crew out today
Ads (7706km):
3733 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU. 16-30knots NE
P 65 Slalom VI, Flying Objects Nitro 38, NP EVO6 7mt . Then switched down to a Vector Volt 34, NP RSSmkII 6.2
Awesome sail with Pudsy and T. Ford this arvo. Always fun sailing with those guys. Did the Kurnell run with them for the first time, which was a bit of novel fun. Nice wind out there when it’s lighter at Kyeemagh. I can highly recommend it! Got pretty windy as the arvo set in.

Larko (11494km):
3733 days ago Middle Creek Reserve, NSW, AU
Belted from arsehole to breakfast this arvo! Biggest chop and brutal wind gusts Ive seen at Lake Dangerous. More like swell was 3 feet apart and 2 feet high with wind swinging from dead N to NE and back in 50 meter gusts. Wind from glass to 25+. Spent a fair bit of time feathering and straining to keep gear on water today. Too much sail and board, everyone was getting spanked. Lucky to get a few runs in some semblance of control.
Falcon 112, Evo IV 7.0, 36 Talon.
AlfaMale (19831km):
3733 days ago Way overpowered in the gusts today! Thankfully I chose Kyeemagh, instead of Kurnell or Wanda (like yesterday)!
I left my 5.5m sail at home, but that would have been ideal... instead I struggled with a TRX 6.3, iSonic 90L and Maui Fins EX 28 (pointed fine, but possibly not flying the board high enough :( )
Good to see a healthy crowd of sailors out, and fun watching the wave guys do their fancy ... "I'm falling - no I'm not" tricks.

Tim Ford (8857km):
3733 days ago 1 categories  Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
WOW that was F'N mental. I have not seen it that choppy up the top of the bay before, some wierd swell running up the runway causing all crazy bumps.
However, great sail with Pudsey boy and the "Cravenator" (Adam). Took the old boy over the Kurnell and demonstrated the benifits of the run over, it was amazing. Came back, changed board and then held on for dear life with the 6.5. It was pretty full on in the gusts. Still great fun and great to sail with the lads. Plenty of fellas out for a session.
JP All Ride 106/JP Slalom 92, NP V6 6.5, Stock Jp fins in both baords All Ride 32 , and JP Slalom 34.
Im buggered now!

Where'sDave? (5360km):
3733 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU 25knts gusting to over 30
Kode 86 - 5.3 Oxygen - some sort of wave fin.
Got to the beach started rigging my 5.8 as the wind had already kicked in. Had the board and fin ready and just as I was about to suit up the sail exploded! I was my old 5.8 so I wasn't to fussed except I had just lost a lot of time. As my other sails were a 6.6 and a 5.3 decided to go for the 5.3 (It was already to strong for the 6.6) so at this stage I decided I'd just play in the chop with the Kode. It wasn't quite stong enough to start with but was still building and got to epic. Reminder to self - 30" harnes lines are to long for B&J.
Fun afternoon, short runs and trying to do jumps (sometimes trying not to) in the chop.
Roar (11958km):
3733 days ago 1 categories  Kyeemagh, NSW, AU