Larko (11472km):
3617 days ago Middle Creek Reserve, NSW, AU
Angry nasty wind today. Quick after work despo sail, some horrible bullets, 1-2 foot chop 3 feet apart and wind direction like a compass in the Bermuda Triangle. Even bloused it with 1 out of the straps and unhooked feathered run, sigh. Wind died with the thunder head coming over.
Still, better than being sweaty at work. I think. Thanks for the ice cold beer Hoon Boy, good to sail with Al again.
Falcon 112, Evo IV 7.0, 32 F/O weedster.
AlfaMale (19180km):
3617 days ago Cheeky sail down at Kurnell after knocking off early for the Long Weekend, what a way to start!
6.3m fully light up, iSonic 90L powering off the VMax 31cm fin. Felt super confident through the rolling swell, but upset with the cross chop.
Down around in Quibra bay was fun, as was doing massive bear-aways down the line of rock walls - scaring the kiters!