Dave Morehead (30097km):
3712 days ago 2 categories   Lake George, SA, AU Starboard iSonic 86, Overdrive 5.6, C3 SS23
Last day at Lake George and not meant to be that windy, so planned on doing another 1hr, some alphas and a NM. Got to the Lake and it was already blowing 25 knots, so rigged the 5.6 thinking it may get windier and didn't want to be too punished doing the 1hr. Ended up doing a NM first, then heading upwind to the speed run to do some alphas in the flatter water and then started my 1hr right upwind and slowly made my way all the way down-wind past the islands. Actually quite choppy down there, so probably shouldn't have gone down that far, but still OK. Looks like a few more PB's!! The new Severne Overdrives are awesome, full locked in and never over powered - very pleased with them!
Kaleb Smith (21269km):
3712 days ago Cremorne Beach, TAS, AU
Trying for NM to back up Dave after we sent him to Lake George to cheer him up a bit
Think I milked what I could out of the conditions.
Isonic90, 7.0 OD R6, C3 Viper 32