Byron Mcilveen (65901km):
3460 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU CA44 , TR11 6.6 , delta 17.
Epic epic fun day had a ball. was hoping to do 200km but on speed board just to hard not sailing I have blisters on my hands."always had girls hands"
The 6.6 was unreal off the breeze still wanted more never fully powered it up into turbo range but upwind it drained some energy.
I think I was bearing off to deep tring to get max speed but I think I need to work on the angle with the delta as not used it much at all in speed board but had to as way to shallow.
GPS went flat twice so had to stop and charge it so lost some KM . I decided to changed down to 5,5 like every one else alot easier up wind but not windy enough to realy power that small a sail up. needs 35 knots before it gets realy going and we did not get that even though Nora showing 40 plus so take 10 off that and thats what we had.
SO SO happy for Greg and Mat 40 knots finaly its a great achievement I am so happy for you. It feels great to get over that mile stone.
Greg no sailing as well Ill take the the credit to convince you to stay out there LOL.
Mat first time on speed board what a diference hey mate no comparison to slalom in the write conditions.
Also all the others nice to meet new sailors there were great scores across the board good stuff.