Pepe47 (12846km):
3331 days ago 6.4m rss, ca sl64, 22.5cm delta (roughly). Spent some time in the smooth with Fangy, Decrep, Bono and Col. Had some great gybing in the shallows and it seemed I couldn't put a foot wrong.. until I did. Great wind direction for a naughty but trying to keep in the smooth was my undoing, found some limestone between the markers. Oh well, back to the grind for this one. Make a great 22
Saltynuts (9854km):
3331 days ago 6.2 RRD Firewing, 58 Mistral,21 Delta.
Late sail at Liptons with Strop.
Super low tide and crap wind.
Still good to get wet and a nice sunset through the smoke haze.