Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
JJ | | | | | | |
tailwind | | | | | | |
Ricey | | | | | | |
Lunny | | | | | | |
Flatchat | | | | | | |
Jeff | | | | | | |
Windxtasy | | | | | | |
Bunyip | | | | | | |
GS | | | | | | |
Lezz | | | | | | |
Chris Porter |
paddymac |
JC2 |
Jemma |
scarrgo |
Jonah |
Windtech |
AC1 |
Hooksey |
Snickers |
Kenny |
Pacey |
SRS73 |
AndreaMunich |
Gloria |
Reg |
Topcat |
Clue Thirst |
The Shroom |
fingers |
Finback |
Peanut |
Aiden |
Average | 36.81 | 34.54 | 19.53 | 21.17 | 29.15 | 79.14 |
JJ (25827km):
3263 days ago Cottesloe, Dutchies
Solid 20 to 25 knot breeze with mad lumpy swells, no flat spots which we sometimes get at Leighton 
At 234cm I reckon the Kode is about 15cm too short for easy ocean speed - it's manic, hard work but super fun 
Kode FSW 94, KA Koncept 6.2, CL SpeedWeed 28

tailwind (7504km):
3263 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
RRD111; Reflex 7.0; Vector 36
Ricey (11089km):
3263 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Started off light, then picked up to gusty.
Mostly 125 Rocket to get me through thte lulls, tried 105 Rocket when it picked up but then it dropped again so tha was not a success.
6.6 KA Koncept, 34 fin not enough, 42 fin was much better for getting upwind.
Good to chat with Tim and Shaw
Lunny (42007km):
3263 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
That was a pretty good afternoon, great bunch enjoying it too. Nice to meet Dr Cam from Qld who seemed to have a good session. Started on the 102 which was good fun, then with the wind cranking up a notch i got a bit carried away and used the speed board. Still got the top speed on it but i think the 91 would have been a wiser choice. Hardpole was the last out of the water, we were watching you from the other carpark Jeff. Anita you seemed to be out for a long time too.
Xfire 102, Tribal ws 29, F2 Missile 49, Vector ws 23, Reflex3 6.2
Flatchat (9962km):
3263 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU.
Spent more time rigging and derigging than sailing. I hope there isn't a competition for least kms on the water
i90, RSR E5 7, CA29
Jeff (13855km):
3263 days ago 1 categories  Liptons Kermit CA Speed (53cm), Delta 21 plough - 6.6 Koncept. Great fun, got caught up at work and nearly didnt get out.
Lunny cant believe how you have healed so quickly, great to see you out so soon. Good to say hi to Cam, hope I get to sail at his home spot sometime! Saw Firie Bob making a nice hole in the water, perhaps we should have taken a shovel and dug a trench through the shallow bit. Was too impatient to get out to put on the adjustable outhaul and then wasted heaps of time when I was trying to get back upwind fiddling with the normal one.
Just wanted to get one more run, then got that 35 after letting a bit of outhaul out, then thought a 36 should be possible, but just didnt get another gust at the right moment. then realised the sun was pretty low and the wind feeling "lighter" had to get back up wind. Didnt even think about distance
Took it easy in the choppy bits but didnt have the delta let go, but even the little diamond pattern chop was enought to make it a bit tricky.
No flying fish but did see a flock of Pink and Grey gallahs (the sort with feathers)!
Windxtasy (14318km):
3262 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU M47 5.7K, 17 delta
I tried really hard to break my 34 knot voodoo today but was unsuccessful. Again. I might have got there if the adjustable outhaul had released on what was my fastest run. Doh! It was a lot of fun trying though, and I tried all sorts of things, even some lead in the flotation vest, but to no avail. I did manage a 3rd best 2 sec and 5X so I guess I didn't do too badly. edit - less than 0.07 of a knot below my 5X PB! If I had realised that I would have tried a few more runs!
I had intended to go for my fave nm run, but I kept trying for that 34 for so long that by the time I got down in the corner there weren't many still on the water and I thought I'd better call it a day rather than have a long upwind slog after the naughty on my lonesome - especially having seen a shark over on Pt Grey earier. Had I realised Jeff was still out I would have gone for it.
It was a lovely day at Liptons with plenty of good company. Great to meet Dr Cam, and great to have Lunny back on the water again.
So much better than gusty old Melville. Well worth the drive.
Bunyip (2132km):
3262 days ago Lancelin, WA, AU
GS (4113km):
3262 days ago Melville - IS107, Turbo 6.5, Volt 36. I think a smaller fin would have been a better choice. Was tailwalking a few times.
Lezz (4333km):
3260 days ago 1 categories  Lancelin, WA, AU Fitness day with 125 Rocket, 36 weed, 7.5 Element.