Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Lyds | | | | | | |
Andrew Haigh | | | | | | |
Hugh | | | | | | |
Bostonfoil | | | | | | |
Byron Mcilveen | | | | | | |
Bruce Healey | | | | | | |
Murray Towndrow | | | | | | |
Tim Ford |
James Farley |
Greg Kiskarpati |
Mick Saunders |
GeoffS |
Big Tom |
nick0 |
Ian Wright |
John Pearce |
rus13b |
Glenn Rumford |
Steve Walsh |
adamhatfield |
Ben Turner |
Cluffy |
sboardcrazy |
Bear |
Tibor |
Nige Watts |
Timbotto |
Ant-man |
mick13B |
Woody |
katelyn |
Chopper |
Brent Hopkins |
Craig Forbes |
Where's Leanne |
MobZ |
Croanster |
dutchie1964 |
Ākos Molnār |
dutchie1964 |
Kev |
Brett |
Average | 40.31 | 37.84 | 20.08 | 24.49 | 29.92 | 164.17 |
Lyds (10267km):
3146 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU Exocet RS2, Reflex4 6.2, 19 Delta -- WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO. Started on 6.7 OD but soon got overpowered so changed down. As usual lots of dudes going really fast, just a great bunch to hang out with. Little did I know but another full rack - awesome.
Andrew Haigh (51032km):
3145 days ago 1 categories  Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Arrived at 9am, the car park almost full. Very cold and fairly windy. The froth was out with a 10 and Byron was heading out with 6.6m. I wanted to sail the speed board with the 5.5 so I rigged up and waited. Got on the water about 11 just as it was filling in nicely. Great day planing all day with the 5.5 and some really big gusts, but none of them lasted long. Got a 39.3 peak (39.0 2 sec on the GT31). Came in for lunch had the same noodle thing that Byron was eating last session (Do as the champions do). Afternoon session good but not quite as strong.
Pretty excited loading the track into the computer as I have only been over 39 once before. Realspeed gave me a low 39. But KA72 has been very friendly and given me a PB - Thanks Dylan
Hugh (11029km):
3145 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
had a shocker today snapped all the battons in 6.3 then took out the 7 metre and 10 minutes later blew out two panels on it
still happy though that was a pb for that combo ca slalom 58 / 19 delta and 7.0 loft blade
a big thanks to mark jordan for lending me his ka race 7.1 to keep me on the water 
congrats lyds on your pbs well done
Bostonfoil (17127km):
3145 days ago Teralba, NSW, AU
JP Scross 82 / 5.2 Tush rock
No time to travel so off to Teralba. Looked awesome on arrival. Got the small gear out. Wind was gone 20 mins later. Unbelieveable, Complete waste of time.
Byron Mcilveen (65696km):
3145 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
maui TR11 6.6, exocet RS2 home made fin and CA 44 17cm delta
wind just didnt deliver only got the 6.6 powered up once and still wanted more just didnt get the punch in the gusts.
Still unreal day with so many out.
got 38.6 on the RS2 but in alot less wind I think it felt quicker today probably due to the chop still always happy to do over 40.
New I had done alot of KM as enjoying my sailing so checked and I had 220km so then thought I will go for 250 but wind and light got the better of me. I was never going for KM as you dont do that speed sailing thats hard work.
Thanks to Steve and Milsy attending to my leg cramp nice crash as my leg cramed up and I had to let go. This was at only around 100km tretch food water and magnesium and did another 150km
Bruce Healey (24859km):
3145 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Nice arvo at a packed Peelie. Quicker to list those not there than there...Sue.
Muz did his usual " here I am please go away wind" trick. Came in a bit early as was getting dodgy for the speed board & not keen on walking home. CASP44, 5.5, 17MUF.
Murray Towndrow (8742km):
3145 days ago Cool session
underdone 6.4 on isonic 97, should have gone 7.1
Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU