Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Steve200 | | | | | | |
Stewart McKay | | | | | | |
Anthony Perkins | | | | | | |
Izaak Perkins | | | | | | |
Ben Wilson | | | | | | |
Dave Morehead | | | | | | |
cookie | | | | | | |
Paul Tenteye | | | | | | |
Barry | | | | | | |
Al Bach |
Bear |
James Brient |
Jordan Murray |
Gordo |
Richard CS |
Johno |
Jack |
Ray Thorne |
Jason |
Tom |
Fubbs |
starboardsailor |
Geoff Broomby |
Jez |
Easty |
Anthony Houston |
Kaleb Smith |
Kazza |
Marlon |
Russell Dowd |
Jodi |
Fos |
Sim |
Azza |
Waynos |
Klaas Hartmann |
geared4knots |
Will |
Liana Perkins |
Corkers |
veitz |
Shorty |
Matt Webster |
Jules |
Johnny |
Al |
Parky |
Hughie |
Sampson |
Breno |
Fletcher |
Todd Sushames |
Jimmy |
TGale |
Dave Jack |
Old Man Steve |
Jock C |
JimoKG |
brad peters |
DJ |
Angus C |
James Park |
Kelso Pete |
Chol |
Latte |
Parky jnr |
WickedP |
mort67 |
VT |
Tom Males |
Average | 44.43 | 39.38 | 12.09 | 27.09 | 21.53 | 38.98 |
Steve200 (37512km):
2339 days ago Mortimer Bay, TAS, AU. FF98 (welcome back old friend), 32ZSLM and Warp 6.2.
Hard work out there with Dave. Huge crazy chop and gusty wind. Found a nice section to bare off in on my last run and went for it to get the 37.
Stewart McKay (8820km):
2339 days ago Great day at Port Sorell. Very suprising that only four of us out. Love the new R8 5.4
Nice work Izaak
Anthony Perkins (23512km):
2339 days ago what can i say,fun fun fun
and well done boys, smoking
Port Sorrell, TAS, AU JP45 NPevo6 5m C3 sweed
Izaak Perkins (22975km):
2339 days ago Port Sorrell, TAS, AU
One word, SPEACHLESS!! Can not remember the last time, both tide and forecast delivered up to as predicted Most consistant westerly in years and if lucky, either tack was good to bear off the sandbar. Just had to be lucky to snag a little bullet, on top of the wind. Slingshotting off the sandbar. A 46.4 on the screen! But as many can vouch for Port Sorell, bearing off for 5-6 seconds, until you hit that chop. Can be bloody knarly!! Overall a great Session with Dad, Stew and Adam.
And an alpha close to my PB! I'm stoked!! More wind soon again please Huey!!
JP Speed 45, C3 Slingshot 21cm and NP RSR EVO8 5.2
Ben Wilson (21612km):
2339 days ago Stanley, TAS, AU
Great day for a road trip.
Well done to the guys smashing it at Port Sorell today, smoking!
JP54 CR5.9 C323
Dave Morehead (30097km):
2339 days ago Mortimer Bay, TAS, AU
iSonic 107 | OverDrive 6.2 | 29cm Tribal WS
Very short sail at Mortimer. Choppy, gusty and at times very windy and at other times very light. Couldn't really get comfortable and ended up coming in before either getting becalmed or blown off the water! Well done Steve on perservering and making the most of it. Getting 37 knots shows there's some potential for good speeds in amongst the chop where it flattens off a little.
cookie (20724km):
2339 days ago Stanley, TAS, AU, A good sail with Paul, Ben and Baz. Was westerly so good speeds both ways.
M47, R8 6.2, CL24W
Paul Tenteye (11076km):
2339 days ago Stanley, TAS, AU Good sail with Ben, Cookie and Barry. A bit too windy at times for my kit and had trouble locking it down but had some good runs. IS90, Racing Blade 6.3 BPS29
Barry (24372km):
2338 days ago Stanley, TAS, AU . Only a short session for me today, but good to get a sail in with Ben, Paul and Cookie.