Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
The Flying Mullet | | | | | | |
Maui Paul | | | | | | |
Frothie | | | | | | |
Mehore | | | | | | |
Matt D | | | | | | |
Stu | | | | | | |
PD | | | | | | |
Macca | | | | | | |
Mike | | | | | | |
Pugs | | | | | | |
JD | | | | | | |
Vic | | | | | | |
Chris Christensen |
Adam |
Fergo |
Beaker |
Jamie |
Wayno |
Josh |
Troy Botting |
WadeM |
Royce |
The Salty Pom |
Milos |
Bill |
Greg |
Otis |
A.D.Z |
Loclan |
Babylon |
LB |
Sneaky Pete |
Loic |
Tom 069 |
Mick Hay |
Sam K (AUS-1811) |
Santo Kay |
Rob75 |
Nathan Clift |
Doolander |
Jimmy |
Vally |
Andrew |
ColinSmith |
Average | 34.92 | 32.83 | 19.62 | 23.65 | 25.33 | 108.22 |
The Flying Mullet (850km):
2304 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU, 6.3 ka race and carbon art 55, winds 15 to 20 knots from NE, nice day beautiful clear lake
Maui Paul (5918km):
2304 days ago The Train, Southport, QLD, AU
8 to 10 knots foiling 8.6/JP135/Slingshot Infinity 76
Frothie (4243km):
2304 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
CA225L, Simmer 8.6m, Kestral 26.
Super day out their today much better gear combo
Heaps out, the Sun and the Wind where the stars today oh and the great spot!
God Bless all the Fish!
Mehore (24127km):
2304 days ago 2 categories   Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU Repeat of yesterday pretty much but NE. Froth was smokin today and i think hes smacked me as well! Bitch! Nice work Geez!! Captain goin hard today and look forward to his post. Good to see the crew and Larko, Georgio and Dezza living the dream Go Marauders!!
6.3 KaRace 20 Kestrel 100l Patrik. Tomoz is loooking the same, Go Huey!

Matt D (32267km):
2304 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
What a day! I wanted to a distance day, Got to Peely aroud 10 am but the wind do not come in to midday was hoping for it to be in earlier.
Sailed with Rod early then around 2pm everyone turned up, fun day but tired now!
Patrik 140, Simmer 8.6 the 7m and 28 delta xt 50.

Stu (6366km):
2304 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
130L 24 Delta 6.7m
Good fun today, heaps of people out. Goto love summer!

PD (3223km):
2304 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU JP Slalom 112 Sailworks NX 6.2 Had a good sail but can't make this sail light up. Great to see Mick, Frothie and Matt again. Great PB Matt.
Macca (2606km):
2304 days ago Starboard Carve 145 with Delta 24 KA Race 7.1 - Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Best NE-er so far this year, although it got a bit patchy in the middle late in the session.
Stayed out to keep Matt company while he chased a PB distance - ended up with a couple of PB's myself!

Mike (10118km):
2303 days ago
F2, Simmer 6.2 and delta

Pugs (10835km):
2303 days ago Booti Booti, NSW, AU
Wow, what a great sailing location. Clear water, sandy bottom and warm. Loved it. And caught up with old mates. Definitely going back.
JD (9710km):
2302 days ago 2018 Windsurfer NSW State Titles @ Dobroyd Aquatic Club.
Board : Windsurfer LT Rig : 5.7m Windsurfer Class Rig
Rodd Point, NSW, AU
Vic (3213km):
2302 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU