Peanut (Liam) (1310km):
2261 days ago 1 categories  Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
4.1m2 Severne XS3, 90l Starboard Carve, 24 inch (ish) weed fin
Sailed with Gavin, MT, Pam, Akim, Alec, Ellie and Dad.
Geoffrey Two Dogs (42km):
2261 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
7.4m2 NP Supersonic. Repair from the other day worked good enough for me.
147l AHD Free Diamond
Gavin's 42inch Black Project weed fin
Started the day poorly - went too big with the sail I think. Made some adjustments and the wind dropped to approx 15 - 17 knotts and everything improved significantly. Best sail I've had in a long time. Made at least 10 gybes, which is a lot for me. Was a great day in the end and Liam and I sailed till 7pm. Great to see Gavin, MT, Akim, Alec, Ellie, Bruce, Pam and Liam getting into it.