fangy (22667km):
1676 days ago 2 categories I rolled into the carpark at lunchtime, having cracked a sad about studying. The place was deserted. It seemed pretty much the same as Sunday, just a WNW front passing through and a few tumble weeds…
Then the pensioner wagon train arrived. While Waricle and Decrepit were getting out picnic blankets, tea and scones to the sound of Vera Lynn, I decamped at pace in a Southerly direction.
And I keep going south at solid 26-27 knots for another 6 k’s just to be sure I was adequately socially distanced from those two. Not because of any COVID concerns, more because I didn’t want my rep as a totally hip and happening sort of dude BBQ’d by the Stonehenge druids in the carpark.
Safely ensconced down the far end, I found a little weed patch, but only once managed to run through with a gust in my bloomers. But no worries there, there was some very enjoyable runs down the bays to be had. In fact it was a relief to chuck in a u turn just to save the neck from seizing and to give the back leg a rest. I paid no attention to the time, turns out I probably should have; my hour was 50 mins sailing and 10 minutes gas bagging.
The druids finally finished licking the jam and cream off their fingers and joined me for some cruising. Druid Waricle had his shiny FF24 out for a spin. The finish on had me embarrassed at the state of my own fin, it simply looked sensational, dare I say it, magical.
After a brief interlude on the water the druids went back in for more tea and scones and left me socially distanced down the southern end. I was pretty sure Huey thought it would be funny if I stayed down there amongst the banjo folk, so I scurried back as well and just made it.
I quietly starved to death in the carpark as I packed up my gear, but I would have to admit that was A Top Ten Fangy Famine busting sorta day. Great fun session
Barge II (Xantos 310) Koncept 7.0 FF24