Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Flex | | | | | | |
Flatchat | | | | | | |
Woody-Mark | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
Pos | | | | | | |
Richo 72 | | | | | | |
Reg | | | | | | |
Windxtasy | | | | | | |
Snickers | | | | | | |
tailwind | | | | | | |
Ricey | | | | | | |
Chris Porter |
Jeff |
paddymac |
JC2 |
Jemma |
scarrgo |
Jonah |
Windtech |
Bunyip |
AC1 |
Hooksey |
Lunny |
Kenny |
Pacey |
SRS73 |
AndreaMunich |
Gloria |
Topcat |
Clue Thirst |
The Shroom |
fingers |
Finback |
Peanut |
Aiden |
Average | 41.00 | 37.22 | 17.32 | 22.25 | 29.78 | 117.10 |
Flex (19801km):
1128 days ago Albany, WA, AU Nice cruise in the sun with Cliff. Was going to go for hour but was too tempting not to try Alphas and speed runs. Wind not strong enough to do either but was still fun. After lunch wind was still 16knots so decided to try Shoal bay as looked so inviting. Rigged big gear as knew wind would drop any second. Wind did drop right off as I went out but scored a few gusts but probably wasn't worth the effort but nice to be in clear water/sand. Came across a huge mussel/shell sticking up and looked really dangerous so put it in the back pack. iSonic 97, KA 7.0, FF22 in morning then big gear in afternoon.
Flatchat (9962km):
1128 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
A short early session. Wind seemed to be building but getting choppier. Very gusty but good to get on the small slalom gear again. It's been awhile but heaps of fun with the usual suspects out and about.
SB i87, Evo5 6.4m, Tribal wspd 29
Woody-Mark (16054km):
1128 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
It looked flater driving past through the tinted car window. I was very wrong. Apparently there was surface weed 1 week ago according to Fangy. Good to see Fangy and Mufin as I rigged. Also thought I had done a decent naughty as I saw a 35.44 500m. Got that very wrong underestimating the distance somewhat! Falcon 56 Evo 5.8.
Boz (45791km):
1128 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Awesome session with a great bunch of people, started on the 5.7 22 KAR decided it was windy enough for the 22 5.2KAR but still couldnt hit the 40 mark. Was going to pack up when Fire beaming with a smile said he got a 40, seems everyone was getting the numbers so hit the water again straight up to point grey and boom 41 on the dial. Hit two rays so called it quits but there was so much more for the taking as the wind had really booted in but I was buggered from sailing over the chop through the channel worst I have seen it.
MANTA 54 22KAR 5.7 / 5.2 WS 25
Pos (14725km):
1128 days ago Coodanup, WA
Nice session down at Fangyland. Had the WindTech 12'6" custom out initially with a 7.0 (31.10 2sec peak) and when the wind booted in, switched down to a 6.1 Loft and took the CA 48 Speed board for a first spin. Pretty choppy with the tide in a bit but definitely felt its potential. Looking forward to trying it out down a lilacs or at Lake George in Feb. Sorry I missed you Woody. Thought I saw your van as I was sailing past. I rigged down the other end where fangy normally launches from. Catch you another time.
Richo 72 (6496km):
1128 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
First time at Liptons with a great crew. Wind was on and loved every minute of it. I reckon ill be back.
Been sailoing for just over 12 months now so prett happy with todays PB but still very thirsty for more.
Manta 98ltr Loftsail 6.3 Simmer Speed 5.8 27 WS
Reg (3745km):
1127 days ago 1 categories  Liptons with everyone! After discussing equipment choice with Decrepit I rigged my near new 4.7 metre KA race. However, after about 20 mins the mast decided to punch it's way out of the top of the sail when I was in mid channel.....bugger! 45 mins later I made landfall but was a km downwind. Trudged back along the beach against a very strong breeze and then set about trying to work out what had happened. At 4.30 I got back into the water again after an hour of farting around with the silly sail. The second session was more successful but I was knackered by now with all my extra curicula activities...wading, swimming, de-rigging, fixing, rigging and more swimming and fighting with the rig. There were some 40+ knot folks today...Remery and Boz but not me nor Anita! A frustrating day for me but a great day for everyone else. I think Remery did 41.5 knots today!
Windxtasy (14360km):
1127 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU 5mKoncept, M91 22 FF, M41 21 tribal WS, M47 23 tribal WS
I was hoping for some speed today but it was not to be. I have done so little speed sailing in the last year, and my body has changed so much that I am having to relearn what works and what gear suits. Today's session was a comparision session between boards. The sail was the right choice, but the first 2 boards were rubbish. That was interesting, because the 41 has previously been my PB board. Today I found it really hard to get going and to point the 41W board downwind. Looks like it will be the 47 in future. Unfortunately by the time I had dragged the 41 back to the carpark (because I couldn't sail it upwind), the tide had come up and I was too fatigued to really send the 47 through the increased chop. Next time I will start with the 47 and things should be better. Sorry I didn't have the energy to get over to Point Grey, where it looked like the late action was.
I did some gybes but they must have been too wide to count. EDIT - realspeed says my best alpha was 17.323, so I am counting it. Speed dropped too low in the middle for KA72 to register it
It was, however, a lovely day with warm air and clear blue sky and ever increasing wind. It was also a great social day, with lots of Pinnaroos and Mandurah Mob present, and I was glad I made the choice to sail at Liptons to catch up with everybody and share the stoke of their PBs. I was very tempted to sail at Coodanup because it looked very inviting when I drove past at 11 am...
Snickers (14641km):
1127 days ago 1 categories  Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Gotta be happy with that! Started on the Koncept 5.8, is86 and 29tws. Speeds were in the low to mid 30's so decided to head back to change to a smaller board n fin combo. Noticed some extra ventillation in the head of the 5.8M so rigged the 5.0 Koncept. Andrew very graciously lent me a tws23cm wich I thought would be too small but turns out its a little ripper!. The fin wouldn't fit into the is76 so into the mistral 91 it went. Had a few runs at liptons, 2 knots quicker then had a few runs with Boz over at point grey. By this time the wind was swinging to the south so I found pt Grey a bit gusty. Headed back to give the is76 a go with w 27cm weedy. Board and fin felt great but the fin was too draggy in the shallow weed behind liptons. Managed a 38.78 PB on that combo, stoked but knew there was mnore on offer. By know only Rob and Boz were left on the water and they were coming to the end of their sessions, Rob had a huge grin with his 41. Wind was about the best it had been all day so headed on on the Mistral 91 and 23tws combo. Had a few good runs then as I headed into the speed run I was lucky to line up a superp gust. Yeehaar! Fantastic day out with a great bunch of Pinnas and Mobbers. Great to see so many great PB's. Huge thanks to Andrew for the loan of the fin and nice work Kenny on the Mistral restoration.
tailwind (7504km):
1127 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Patrik 92, TD18, OD5.4
Didnt fell the need for speed today, but the conditions were certainly good enough.
Spotted a few fins crusing around at Pt Grey not sure what they were.
Ricey (11089km):
1127 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
Lesson - gusty wind and sprained shoulder do not mix.
Fell off in the deep during a big lull, could not hold sail up for waterstart for long enough for the wind to pick up due to damaged shoulder. Fortunatley was able to swim the rig about 20m to the sandbank so I could stand up to beach start. Not really sure what I would have done otherwise, so a big lesson.
I am planning to get my shoulder fixed before sailing again so could be a few weeks off. Bummer.
105 Rocket, 5.8 Knocept, 20 Delta
Congrats to all the speedy sailors at Liptons.