Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Dan | | | | | | |
Miranda | | | | | | |
Aaron White | | | | | | |
Pete | | | | | | |
Dan M | | | | | | |
Windsurfing Nelson | | | | | | |
Mike Sinclair |
Glen |
Allan Taylor |
Terry A |
Scope |
whererulucy |
Ned Tamatea |
Shane Blake |
Dinks |
Sean Patterson |
Ben Collins |
Terry Beentjes |
Fred de Haas |
g |
Veeman |
Stephen |
Steven Mc |
Taylor |
Dave |
nzakka |
Holly |
Finn |
Derek R |
MrFish |
Ben |
Tom O'Neill |
John Ross |
Fenella Bowater |
Allan Taylor |
Vee |
The Shop Grom |
SeanP |
Olivia |
Average | 37.79 | 36.02 | 14.75 | 18.58 | 32.42 | 48.28 |
Dan (49894km):
1177 days ago Greenpark. Decided to take the chance to head to our speed spot. With a solid 20 knots it was enough to have a blast down the bar. Aaron headed up to the old bar where he had a better angle but i like the new spot as it's a long run. Jelly legs at the end and that's not even going the full distance. 30 knots wind here becomes rather fast but 20 was enough to push 35knots board speed today. Will be heading here as much as possible while we have the lake level. No spin outs today. Got the 6.3 running sweet. Only tried one NM today. Seemed to have worked. Lake level is high enough to get close to the bank. Just need more wind. Falcon speed 50 LRB 6.3. Mykz 21
Miranda (10908km):
1177 days ago 1 categories  Motukarara, FF 97, severne 6.2 reflex, 26 fin. First time on the new sandbar for almost a year. A lilttle intimidated and struggled in the chop. Decided to use waist harness as I have been prefering it lately. Haven't used it for speed sailing before and I think I prefer it. Tried the seat harness and ditched it again. Was well powered up, but not hitting the flat water soon enough or bearing off like I should. Still happy to have gone over 30kts. Still scary though! My mast base slipped forward at some stage and I failed to notice. Note to self: check gear.
Aaron White (3709km):
1176 days ago Lake Ellesmere, NZ Greenpark goosepoint. 8-22 knots. mykzssp7 mykz 21asy north2017. Great to be sailing here in the summer with enough water in the lake. A lot of walking today though with fickle wind.
Pete (18196km):
1176 days ago Lyttelton Harbour, NZ ..Great conditions on the harbour. Would like to have done more, but was very powered up, struggling to pull off gybes and soon tired. Bit too much fin and not enough downhaul to start with didn't help.
Exocet 80L/55W, Point-7 AC-Z 5.8, Drake 32 & 30
Dan M (6875km):
1176 days ago Quick Afternoon session on the harbour.
CA Sl87, VV 32, Loft RB 6.9
Lyttelton Harbour, NZ
Windsurfing Nelson (8352km):
1176 days ago iFoil100, EVOX6.4, SB115+800@-0.5°-1000@1°, Akersten, Nelson, NZ