Aaron White (2947km):
869 days ago Wind 5-30 gear warp 7 and 6.2 board Mykz sp7 and 8 with Mykz 21asy jem
Ahhh finally midwinter stress relief!!!
Woke early all the guages were off the charts. Today's the day I thought. Got to the lake and there was maybe ten knots. WTF!! Wind was too north to funnel through the valley across the hill properly. Also frustrating was the clear windline halfway across the lake which explained the rolling waves on my side.
Anyway rigged two sets of kit and dragged them up there in the hope of wind. Hurry up and wait! Finally it started gusting through in thirty second puffs all over the show.
Then it started to puff through enough to get a couple of runs down run. Started to get stronger so changed down from 7 to 6.2 did two runs then changed to smaller board. Right as I started going down the run the wind did a crazy shift north and shut down. That's speed sailing for ya. Did get a 41.38 500m with 45 peak which is good for me esp in those conditions couldn't get five good runs in though due to changing gear damn it. Carried two thirties in the 10 sec.
Good on ya Pete for getting out there and getting ya fix. Solid effort mate!! I used a 1.5mm short john yesterday under the steamer was a big improvement.
Cheers Mike for the great kit take it easy and get well soonl!!