Peter (49702km):
766 days ago Lake George, SA. Started at 7 am to do distance but the old body did not play along, cramping up after 5 hours sailing and cutting the session short. Stupid mistake not to bring enough Vitamin E to Oz, thinking I'd find it as easily here as in the US - not so. With regular Vitamin E, I never get cramps, but I have not taken it for several weeks now, and just abbout every muscle wanted to spasm. At one point after a crash in really thinck weed, I was starting to wonder if I'd make it back onto the board, since dragging a leg to shed weed hurt too much in both arms and the dragged leg.
Did an hour early in the session, but had a hard time getting all the way upwind, so did not use the full length of the lake. Thanks to plenty of wind early, I was still doing fine, with average speed of 26.6, when I crashed a jibe, right in the thickest weed where getting going took a few minutes. The hour average shown on the ESP logger promptly dropped 0.5 knots, so I gave up. Still got a PB, but failed to get the #1 spot in the US (for which I need the 26.6).
Funny thing, getting top 5 entries in 5 categories, including a PB, and still being a bit frustrated. Maybe just drinking beer is not the best training regimen for distance .
Nina (10682km):
766 days ago Lake George, SA. Forecast looked good the whole day so hoped to do some distance. Started with the 5.5, overpower. Rigged down to the 5.0, wind dropped, way underpowered. With the long walk at Cockies (wrong launch for today!), ended up with just 75 km in the first 4 hours. Went out again when the wind seemed to pick up, but was an hour too early and did some more slogging first. Went for an hour when it finally picked up, but a catapult into the thickest weed during a jibe after 50 minutes and a second wet jibe soon after slowed that down. Stopped when Peter went in.