Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Stretch | | | | | | |
Woody-Mark | | | | | | |
Rondog | | | | | | |
Slowboat | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
Al | | | | | | |
Pointman |
Doddi |
Jay |
Pos |
Antman |
kai |
Flex |
Richo 72 |
Tim |
Lucca |
Average | 43.41 | 41.80 | 16.40 | 26.09 | 39.08 | 115.34 |
Stretch (32554km):
490 days ago 2 categories   Albany, WA, AU. I haven’t had a pb in 2 years, so super stoked with this! Epic day with a great bunch out and some terrific pbs by others.😎Mistral47, SCR5.8
Woody-Mark (16200km):
490 days ago Albany, WA,
Some strong gusts and managed to get on the end of one for a 43.96 peak near the lilacs shore line. Back locked up so missed the alpha opportunity but was stoked to see a pb naughty and 5*10. Magic to see so many pbs with so much comradary amongst all. MarkOz56 evo 5.8 delta 16.
Rondog (11574km):
490 days ago Albany, WA, AU
and did Albany deliver today!!! top of the shelf speeds and PB's AGAIN.
Still in such a high of hitting that 43kn(80km/h) mark.
special thanks to Mark Jordan for lending me some sticky tape for the fin. Thats what did it mate. 
5.7KA 47 and 54 MR
Slowboat (50749km):
489 days ago 1 categories  yeehar Albany
Radix 53, 16 delta and KAR 6.3
Boz (46967km):
489 days ago 1 categories  Albany, WA, AU
What a day congrats to all PB people on all teams. Great to share the stoke
AV52 KAR 5.2
Al (776km):
487 days ago MASSIVE SMILE on my DIAL !!!
FRace 100 - Mach 4 6.2 - sneaky fin from Slowie…..