Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Flex | | | | | | |
Jeff | | | | | | |
Gloria | | | | | | |
The Shroom | | | | | | |
Snickers | | | | | | |
Ricey | | | | | | |
Chris Porter |
paddymac |
JC2 |
Windxtasy |
Jemma |
scarrgo |
Jonah |
Windtech |
Bunyip |
AC1 |
Hooksey |
Lunny |
tailwind |
Flatchat |
Kenny |
Pacey |
SRS73 |
AndreaMunich |
Reg |
Topcat |
Clue Thirst |
fingers |
Finback |
Peanut |
Aiden |
Average | 34.24 | 31.12 | 15.03 | 21.56 | 20.59 | 73.19 |
Flex (19801km):
429 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU. Wind was howling and gusty but had other stuff to get done so only short session. First time really playing with the 5.2, 2nd run scored a gust and took off, wow, risked a glance at the boom GPS, still accelerating and saw 34.4 but chickened out and eased off, tried a few more times but no lucky gusts. Wind was so holey, literally zero wind one moment followed by 25+ the next. Woulda have been better on the bigger board to get through the holes. Slowy of course making it look easy playing with his new toys...shoulda have brought the drone. iSonic 86, KAR 5.2, FF18V4
Jeff (13855km):
428 days ago Pinnaroo Point Hillaries Wall. 4.2 was a bit big, should have gone smaller. The 920cm2 foild was better but need to use it more.
Gloria (1016km):
428 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU. Yeah Na....only posting to prove I actually attempted to sail. Miserable day for me 🥺 ...but great company
The Shroom (820km):
428 days ago  Pretty ordinary day out today on the water at Coods, far to overpowered on the Neil Pryde One 3.0. Wrestled with my gear for most of the time. Big thanks to Woody for giving me tips for control when overpowered. Lost the plot most of the time, screaming at my gear, "Come on, work for me you good for nothing gear!" And as it always turns out, your still in the same old overpowered place that you were in before, except this time, you nearly stepped on a crab. Managed to get back sketchily without being in the harness, wheeling on the fin in the chop and sometimes getting air on the Fangy. Tryed a carve Gybe on one of my runs, got a nice entry, but it went all pear shapped (bit cliche, instead went all grape shaped!). Misjudged the water level when I made it back to the carpark, stopped dead on the sand with the Fangy and slapped my back in the water level equivelent of a deepish puddle. Lovely to see, Pete, Gloria, Mike, Rob and others all somewhat feeling the same way. Even though it felt real sketchy and pretty fustrating I am stocked to see some top Fives!!! All in All it was decent. 🍄
Snickers (14641km):
428 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Thought I would try Liptons for some time on a normal weed fin, unfortunately the tide was a bit low so I had to use the delta. Nice sailing with Boz, Hardie, Stroppo, Terry, Stretch and Slugger. Not sure why everybody packs up and leaves when there is plenty of wind, sun and water.
Mistral91, Tdelta18, Koncept5.8.
Ricey (11089km):
428 days ago Horrible, big gusts with big holes and not enought to sail over the sandbar. Had to sail early because of other committments.
Rocket 105, Severn Gator 6.0, delta 20.
Wondered why I was overpowerred until someone told me Chris Lockwood was on a 6.3 sail and flying.