SaltyNic (4631km):
439 days ago 1 categories  Albany, WA, AU
4.8 Evo XIII, 45w/53L JP Speed, 14 Tribal Delta Sym
I owe Sammy the wisest most awesome Snail in the world for these PBs and finally getting that magic 4-0. Sammy encouraged me to rig smaller. I wasn't sure yesterday's wind was there today to try, but my arms were pretty nuked anyway so I thought why not. Tough day. Spent a bit of time struggling without enough to get up in the holes, but when the wind was there it was lovely. Talked myself into one more and nearly had to swim home. Last 2 runs were pure survival due to lack of arm fitness, begging my arms to not just let go so it was definitely time to call it.
Lovely to see you again after all these years Sammy and I owe you huge ones! Thank you so much! 😎