SaltyNic (4631km):
440 days ago 1 categories  Albany, WA, AU
5.3 Evo, 55w78L JP Slalom 16 Tribal Delta then 45w/53L JP Speed 14 Tribal Delta Sym
Squally Albany awesomeness So stoked and grateful just to be back here for the sail I wasn't expecting to have. Got the miraculous call late yesterday that the broken car was right to go so headed down late last night around unscheduled road closures Felt rusty and very tired so decided to have a cruisey arvo on the slalom. Then Garmin told me 37/38s but I just couldn't find more so I raced in late for the speedy. By the time I got back out I couldn't find any flat water on the NM and the 39 was in chop. Just couldn't find that last 0.5...
Disturbed a snake in the weed at the top of the NM! It scooted off away from me over the weed. I'm guessing the sea variety to be that far out?? Then coming back in for the speedy in a squall I disturbed a huge tiger snoozing in the rain next to my car. Did not expect that kind of company in today's weather?
Great to see everyone and so many smiles on the water 