AlfaMale (19467km):
207 days ago GRSC Botany Bay East Coast Winter Regatta
Light 3-13 knot W really struggled, was Forecast to be stronger and wind meters showing 10-15 so I under foiled, keen to try the new gear despite being under sized. Urgh... bad choice. Still to get 25kts not bad effort.
- F4 GP 95 Mast, 540 Wahoo and 170 tail at 3
- FMX 91 with base at 135
- Patrik 10.0m
Sail was HEAVY on such a small foil, so I had to really push and pump for speed, then it would fly, but I didn't have enough presusre to point so didn't finish any races. Only 2 starts run. only 3 finishers per race. Should have done slalom or rigged the 660 I still have. Good experience.