SRS73 (16733km):
156 days ago Pelican Point, WA, AU
Fun westerly with some decent squalls and then about an hour of fairly consistent wind. Tried a few different settings on the M6 which is quite a different beast to the M5.
Good to catch up with JJ, Tim and Steve.
RRD 70w, SV M6 7.5, Tribal MK2 36
Gloria (958km):
156 days ago Glory Holes, Australind, WA, AU The min I arrived the wind dropped entirely. Then it was on and off...then it changed direction, then I gave up 😂 Didn't do too well but it's all going toward regaining my fitness for summer. Great company with Waricle, Boz and Decrepit. Carbon art board, 5.5 Severne Turbo.