Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Doddi | | | | | | |
Duffy | | | | | | |
Rod | | | | | | |
Tomski | | | | | | |
STROPPO | | | | | | |
Fudge | | | | | | |
Girl Speed | | | | | | |
Saltynuts | | | | | | |
Kaison | | | | | | |
Kenno | | | | | | |
sms09 | | | | | | |
Mitch |
Stu |
CJ |
Ji-Normous |
Strawbs |
Windsup |
Maxx |
Paulo |
Tommy Maciejewski |
Average | 38.54 | 36.80 | 24.31 | 25.67 | 34.72 | 134.71 |
Doddi (7662km):
3360 days ago 1 categories  Franga land.
7.0 TRX Mistral 68.
Great to get on the water. Plenty of people out
Duffy (6171km):
3360 days ago
Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Rod (10499km):
3359 days ago 1 categories  Great sailing day with so many people out on the water enjoying the flat water all with smiles on the what better way to spend a day
NP Evo 7, mistral 112, 23 delta
Coodanup, WA, AU
Tomski (21953km):
3359 days ago 1 categories  Coodanup, WA + Liptons
Mistral 91, TR11 6.6, Delta 24 + Pepe 33
Went for the HR at Coodanup but ended up with a heap if weed in the fin. NO top end
Went to Liptons to get my fix . Last sail till end of Feb, really enjoyed the Liptons session.
Sorry didn't catch you Fudge, but good to say G'day to CJ, Duffy and Bender.
STROPPO (34221km):
3359 days ago Fun in the sun at Fangy's lots of people out and great to catch up and sail with everybody not a bad way to spend sunday
Two lots of tracks as I checked my hour in the first part of the sesh

Fudge (3122km):
3359 days ago Sunday session with Ryan, and a few others.
Mistral 112 , Vapor 7.1, Cl sl3 28
Girl Speed (4131km):
3359 days ago Session !: RRD firewing 5.7m. 91 L Mistral. 21 delta.
Session 2: RRD firewing 6.2m. 91 mistral. Decrepid 20.
Thanks for lending us the fin Mike. It was awesome.
Saltynuts (9854km):
3359 days ago Coodanup,
6.2 RRD Firewing,58 Mistral, Decrep 20.
Fun day with a heap of crew out.
Awesome fin Mike. Super impressed.
Kaison (45km):
3359 days ago Coodanup,
1.2 Severne Synergy, Starboard Wave board.
No gps today but still had super fun sail on my own gear.
Kenno (170km):
3359 days ago Windsurfing is hard, fun but hard lol.
sms09 (12757km):
3352 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU CA58,tr7 6.3,delta19.