AndySails (33667km):
1050 days ago 2 categories LG
Had 3 runs on RS1 and not feeling the love, so back to the comfy Futura90.
Futura90, KA Race 5.2, Nuclear20
Dezza (34012km):
1050 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
Yahoooooooo! was feeling a bit anxious in all the wind up the top of the lake when Waricle went flying by on his red rocket sending white spray everywhere, with the biggest smile and yahoooing all the way across the lake, made me laugh and just enjoy it! Thanks for the tips and encouragement, so many great windsurfers to sail with at the lake over the last few weeks.
Mach 3 5.0m/Isonic 55w/UFO 18, then 5.0/49w/18 ufo
Awesome PBs and speed Red and Andy, go the maids
Red (15302km):
1050 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
Bit tired after last few days so today was a lazy start. Wind was solid. Cranked out a few runs and pulled up next to Dezza.. gave her a thumbs up or thumbs down for the 40 and when she gave me a thumbs up we both did a happy dance in the women's day and dezza smashes out a 40. The women in out team are amazing !
Went back out a snagged a ripper gust on smooth section and snagged my PB. Own personal little happy dance.
Great few days at the lake and great to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. The stoke is awesome and great to see all the smiles as people come of the water.
Isonic speed special 53, ka koncept 5.4, tribal superweed 21cm