Sammy the snail (29353km):
5847 days ago 1 categories  Was not going to sail today (I am busy this arvo) but lucky... tide was right, wind was right, time was right.. hardly anyone at the Pond, so had a quick and out 5-6 laps
Got the feeling today is going to bring some good numbers for everyone at Hardies as I am not sailing this arvo!
CA50, 5.8RSS, 245/40_SS fin (should have used the 44)
Decrepit (55250km):
5847 days ago Testing boards session today, started out on my new speed board, got a 34.9 on that, then went out on Crasher's AB46, for a nice change, this didn't kill the wind.
Managed a 35.5m, then I came in too close on the return run and damaged my new 20cm tuttle weedy, so then took my old board out, couldn't get comfortable for some reason and only got a 33.5
If I'd been feeling fresher would have tried a bit of weight, was overpowered in the gusts, and having trouble keeping the power down.
Nice to see the smile on Adam's face, when he got the 40, congrats mate!!!!
Hardy's still out there trying to match it.
Hardie (35900km):
5847 days ago 1 categories  Today was Adam's Day!!!! Well done buddy you probably deserve it more than anyone else, given you've missed so many sessions while serving your country!!!!!
As for me, well what a fuck up of a day, missed a perfect chance to join the 40kt Club, However, I'm alive, not in a Hospital Quadraplegic Ward, so I gotta be ecstatic about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went through Hardies Run on a marginal tide riding the Missile S and the Gaastra Vapor 5.5m, it was my 3rd run, was doing miod to high 36's, was going through the run a gust hit and I went for it, accelerating faster and faster, thinking this could be it, then this yellow object appeared just below the water surface, Oh O....and I hit a rock that was about only 5cm below the water line, Hull of the board was damaged that's how close to the surface it was, The fin broke off at the base, the fin box was destroyed, I got catapulted so violently but luckily flung from my harness lines, that I had time to think I'm gonna break my kneck here, and I'm gonna be unconscious, I managed to do a somersault did a 360 landing on my stomach and face, seeing stars for a second or two, then thought fuck I'm totally OK, not hurting anywhere, not injured, and I STARTED LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY? Did the long walk of shame got back to find Adam had joined the 40kt Club, and wanted him to enjoy that moment, and I thought I've only done 3 runs, I need to back him up, so I got Crasher's AB+ 54cm and took that out and did my best speeds on that. Sorry Crash I'm too light now only 85 kg's the wind had picked up, the tide higher the chop bigger, I couldn't keep the power down, with me getting lifted up onto the balls of my feet, and the board bouncing everywhere, weight and being fat is GOOD!!!!!!
Craw (4307km):
5847 days ago 2 categories   6.2 rss mk111,62cm/100L jp ss,29cm jp ss fin
woohoo! at last can smell 40knots almost there.usual mellvile gustyness.may need to get a speed board hmmm.
well done adam on getting the 40
oops put wrong 2sec in - now corect
Adam (8003km):
5845 days ago I Did It

Hardies Run Carbon Art Speed 50, Neil Pryde RS Slalom II 5.8 and My sawn off 23 cm Flying objects weedy
Accompanied by Hardie and Decrep and Mineral
I've been saying for a while that all i need is that gust
Got 38 first run, 38 second run came in as everyone else had dissapeared to change down sails went back out got 39.53 had a slow one then the magic numbers appeared

Bender (23190km):
5845 days ago 1 categories  
F2 Missile S, RSSMKII 6.7m, 30Bentonic speed weed
Lechanult Inlet 20-30knts(Bunno port read metre read 32knts all arvo)
Rocked up and all the local fella's were on 4somethings. My brain said rigg the 5.4m but the emlo in me said go the 6.7m.
The wind was solid but the 6.7m was great sailing broad really stable and the power was there. Went for NM,s as my old PB of 31.911 is over two years old.
plenty of YeehaaaaSSSSSSSS on the runs. First run got a 33knt. Changed the set up and got a 35next run. in the end i got a max display of 36.7.
one happy bender
Cant beleive i was hanging onto a 6.7m sail!!!!!!!!!