Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Hardie | | | | | | |
waricle | | | | | | |
Stretch | | | | | | |
Elmo | | | | | | |
Rocky | | | | | | |
Rayman | | | | | | |
Decrepit |
Binny |
Bugs |
Bender |
Firiebob |
man of |
Sammy the snail |
Pepe47 |
evets |
SluGger |
Bully boy fat Basil |
ratz |
fangy |
otts |
Oaf |
(Puf-) fin |
Shane121 |
WazzaYotty |
Morts |
Mad Max |
TOBYchef |
Jonski |
Swindy |
remery |
Auz |
Greggo |
Frank |
Hammer |
Lombok |
Katalyst |
The Scud |
Stingray |
Rob |
Sam |
Scud |
Ilya Panagushin |
Average | 37.90 | 34.67 | 15.88 | 22.93 | 28.50 | 58.35 |
Hardie (35900km):
1492 days ago Liptons, seabreeze of the season but with 30cm more water in Liptons Bay than the last time I cracked 40kts, so being a mere mortal and very choppy I couldnt get near 40kts today look at my 5 x 10, that says it all. The flattest water was at Point Grey but was it on/off gusty because a lot of south in wind meaning the wind was coming off point grey trees. It was Bloody windy 30kts plus in the gusts and I was struggling to hold on to my 5,9m at times. Mistral Speed 95/55 TRXI 5.9m Pepefoil 21/48. The conditions won today, had there been the flat water of 20/12/2020, it woulda been a PB day for me, but not to be.
waricle (19878km):
1492 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU CA95 freeride fangy 24 kar 5.5 naish 4.7 wave Too everything for me, ended upon wave gear for fun. Lots and lots of sailors and kites Very windy and rough and too much boating traffic through the channel.
Stretch (31979km):
1492 days ago Carlisle St, Safety Bay, WA, AU. FF89/SCR5.8. Plenty of wind and plenty of chop too. High tide, even the Penguin Island sand bar was choppy. Most sensible people were out on B&J gear. today was a road trip with Lachy to test himself out in windy SB conditions. He did well and got plenty of water starting practice
Elmo (31923km):
1492 days ago JP Speed 54, NP RSR 5.8m, Tribal delta 18cm
Windy high tide at liptons, rigged right for the chanel which was slightly mental, but to small for Pt Grey which was the only spot which had flats.
Overall happy with the session which ended with an Elmo style dismount which has my leg rather sore now.
Figured out when I got home shoulda bunged in a bigger fin.
Well done to Jake for spankin a PB or two as well as for being able to do freestyle with race gear in the middle
Rocky (1682km):
1492 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
happy boxing day :-)
Rayman (2237km):
1492 days ago Peel Inlet, WA,
5.0 proto 90lf2 and 28 weedy
super happy on how this session went was just so happy when i saw 37 knots!! on my watch and didnt know i got a nauti pb as well
cant wait for a windy and flat day.