Hammer (587km):
1473 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Liptons, iSo 90, 6.0 Overdrive, Pepe 24/42
First go on a cam sail in perhaps 20 years
Probably not the best day to try out different gear being well overpowered most of the time, but I wanted to see how it performed.
Joseph is mentoring me on bearing away and after a few attempts I managed to follow his trail.
Last one out and first one back today. My body and mind were saying Its time to stop before getting hurt.
Extra pain killers tonight.
Great to see so many windsurfers out having fun.
Hardie (35900km):
1473 days ago 1 categories  Liptons, Noice breeze, couln't get a follow up gust in Liptons Bay, and on many return journey's would get a fabulous gust heading towards Ward Point but that takes you a long way down wind and I didnt feel I had the fitness to go for it, so practiced Alphas instead. Thats my best Alpha for many years, hadn't cracked a 24kt alpha since i cant remember. Doing Alphas was the part I enjoyed the most today and think I will get back into doing them again, was the most enjoyable feeling of todays session.
Lots of sailors having fun, I know of one person who cracked 40kts so it was on the cards
Fave gear = Board Mistral Speed 95/55wide Sail TR16 6.3m Fin Pepefoil 21/48rake
Decrepit (55250km):
1473 days ago Firstly I have to admit Hardie was correct, water at liptons stayed really sailable all arvo, trouble was wind took no notice of the forecast. Instead it just teased, sucking me into staying out longer than really comfortable, so now I'm a bit sore.
Rigged the 5.0 koncept on the 48cm board with 20cm@40/60. thinking of going for alphas early the speed runs when wind picked up. Sort of worked increased mu 76 year old alpha by 1 kt, but the wind was too gusty for alphas, I kept running into lulls. But it was good gybe practice, and by the end I was much happier with them.
Great crowd, nice to share good conditions with like minded sailors.
(Puf-) fin (15861km):
1473 days ago Peel, Coodanp, WA, AU .
Yesterday, Someone said its not windy thursday,,??? Well, it was,,, thats the good news,,, and the bad, I forgot to activate mi GPS.
So missed a few runs, And the Ka Rac5.5 wasn't rotating properly, so just went with the long runs back and forth, sorta parallel to
the shoreline, in the shallows, with a short fin, weed47/20cm, in the old WinTach FR270 52wide, with nosejob. The tide was a tad
lower and water had less chop, so made it a somewhat smoother ride. I missed the best runs but had them on the phone,,,,
GPSLogit numbers,
2s 5x10 1h Alf500 NautiM and the Kays ar good 33.45
31.111 29.19 17.25 17.938 28.358