Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Greg Cacace | | | | | | |
Chris Kelemen | | | | | | |
Mark Hampton | | | | | | |
Frothie | | | | | | |
Wayno | | | | | | |
Gabe | | | | | | |
Mehore | | | | | | |
Matt D | | | | | | |
Steve | | | | | | |
Geoff | | | | | | |
Rob | | | | | | |
Mark Jordan |
Trent Cooper |
Phil Luke |
Dale Jordan |
RafD |
Jason Fardell |
Maree Jordan |
Chris K |
Garry Minogue |
Wayne Hardes |
Dion |
AJEaster |
Wally164 |
Far-Mid-North Coast |
Bruce |
Matthew Klause |
Aza |
Peter Braun |
Atomic |
Phil Bennett |
Hamish Stuart |
Andre Da Costa |
Martin |
JustinL |
Ela |
Bill |
Andrew Muir |
Irishtom |
Feebz |
Stuart Grehan |
Glenn Bolton |
Bairdy |
snelly |
Fitzy |
Brett Aqua Man Algie |
Germain |
Ricky Bobby |
Shark |
AllisonAUS911 |
Average | 31.05 | 28.81 | 16.10 | 18.77 | 24.19 | 64.23 |
Greg Cacace (3397km):
3678 days ago 
Nice ocean sail off Oxley beach , nice to be by myself
Town Green, Port Macquarie, NSW, AU
Chris Kelemen (3288km):
3678 days ago Wallis Lake, NSW, AU. Thought it was a fizzer as we went out and the wind died. Had lunch and waited and it kicked in from the S at 15-20kts. Weed banks nice and flat and some great gusts. Good fun as usual with Gabe and Rob!
Mark Hampton (6863km):
3678 days ago Queens Lake, NSW, AU
Sailed with Steve! Arrived at the Q/L at about 11am. Was 12 knots SW wind. Waited nothing happened. About to go home and the wind swung to SE.
YES!! started to get stronger. Had a great afternoon sail for once. Happy with 30 knots 2s accross the wind on the Mud Bank. Very shallow today on the
Mudbank. Could not go to High on Mudbank.
I-Sonic 107, VMG 6.7m, 31cm JP Weed.

Frothie (4243km):
3678 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU. Not that great a sailing day wind wise but the sun was wonderful! did a couple of tacks and jibes at slow speeds.
Cold beerswith mentor Mick at Budgy sure hit the spot god bless ye all!!!!
Wayno (16997km):
3678 days ago 1 categories  Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU - one of those dud days where whatever you did it was going to be wrong anyway.
Looked windy when I got to Buff Pt after 2pm so rigged the 6.6 HSM GPS and the CA SL55 with a 19cm MUF. Did 2 runs and came back in and changed boards and went out on the JP 112L with a 31cm weedie.
Should have rigged a bigger sail as well but didn't. Wind started to drop and swing from the SSE 8-12 knots to the ESE 8-10 knots and I only had a few semi powered up runs. Stats speak for themselves really.
Sailed all by myself today as the others were at Canton. Hope they did better.....
Cheers All.
Gabe (15447km):
3678 days ago Sailing Club, Wallis Lake, NSW, AU
Thought we had a fizzer today. Rigged while it was windy from the SW and then it dropped right off as we walked out. Had some lunch and a beer, thinking it was all over, then up it came again, but more straight south this time, at 15-20k.
The lowest tide on the weed bank for a while gave us classic sailing club conditions. Nice and flat, but very weedy. Had a ball out there with Chris and Rob, and a couple of blow ins for company. 104,29,6.6.
Mehore (24127km):
3678 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU. First sail at Canton in , I dont know how long. Good fun Southerly, 10/ 15 knts. Froth, Matty and Miller. I went straight down the bay where it was a little more exosed. 8.5 today would of been perfect. Planing most the time just very underpowered. 2 weed beds in the bay which gave some super flat over about 50ms but just needed some more breeze. 7.5 Koncept 24 carbon slalom 135l Patrik slalom. Not a single gybe today so pretty happy with the alpha. Go Marauders!!!!!

Matt D (31957km):
3678 days ago 1 categories  Canton Beach, NSW, AU
Nice day to be on the water! 5 knots more would have nice! Johnny, Mick and Froth on the water also cruising around!
Bic 149L raceboard, 8.6m loft and 36cm JP weedy.

Steve (29492km):
3678 days ago Queens Lake with Mark. Nice Se. Mainly sailed the mud bank.
Patrik 115 slalom, Hsm 7.3m Gps, Jp 36cm weedy.

Geoff (1763km):
3678 days ago Smiths Lake, NSW, AU Good fun session with my son. Gusty and choppy.
Rob (1800km):
3678 days ago Wallis Lake, NSW, AU Had the boom arm split in half. Thanks Chris for helping me turn the boom around.. would of been a long swim
in. Thank's for the lend of you spare boom Gabe. Otherwise a fun sail.104,6.6,26jp and half a boom.