Byron Mcilveen (65696km):
4129 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU what a day epic speed sailing you just dont get it that flat in NSW
Had a huge day with every one and the locals so friendly like always thanks Pete for the muffen very nice and Kato thanks for the advice apretiate it.
Used 5.5 TR8 maui with 43 Patrik blowing 35knots
did have a go back on the CA44 as well used 21 sling shot
Hugh (11029km):
4129 days ago 2 categories   Sandy Point, Vic, AU
first time at sandie awesome place
ca sp47 and blade
comfortably powered runs down the strip
really happy with results all the boys done pbs
Bruce Healey (24814km):
4129 days ago 2 categories   Canton Beach, NSW, AU
seatrend 276, 6.6 sail, 24 MUF.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; except for the worst bit.
hard to imagine a better day for 6.6 sailing. arrived at lunch time & Milsy, Pete & others were on 7.5 but the forecast promised a shift to SW so I adopted the "Rig it & the wind will come" philosophy & went 6.6. Was a good move as it came in very nicely SW, could still use 7.5s but I was fully powered up almost all the time.