Dave Morehead (30097km):
5971 days ago  Long session. Got to the beach at 8:30 am and left at 8:40 pm. On the water by 9 and took 20 minutes to sail the first 1 nm (dogging in no wind). Forecast was for a SSW to come through at 10-15 knots, followed by a SE change at 15-25 mid-afternoon. First hr was hopeless, but got planing a bit. Next few hours were good, then it became light again and was difficult to keep on the plane, then the wind picked up again from the SSW for a few hours. Never over 15 knots, but managing to keep on the plane most of the time and managed runs with max speeds in the 20's. The wind picked up at around 4PM with the SE change. Almost overpowered and feeling a bit knackered. Thought about changing down, but decided to keep at it. Realised that I may be able to make it to 300 km's if I can keep sailing. Wind was fluctuating between 20-25 knots, with the stronger squalls really pushing the limits. Aimed to do 170 nautical miles and then call it a day. Managed 171.1 and could probably have done one more run of around 5-6 nm, but getting dark, still really windy and I'd already made it to 170.
Had planned to go for distance today, but you never know what the weather will bring. Really felt underpowered for the majority of the session (first 6-7 hrs), but this was probably not a bad thing, as it wasn't too demanding. Last few hours were windy and hard work.
Absolutely wrapped to make it over 300 km's. Distance posted above is Doppler. Total distance was 323.756 km. All up a full 11 hrs and 15 minutes, minus two toilet stops (drinking too much water).
Steve, didn't even see you out sailing, must have been downwind a bit? Glad you made it out.
Sailed the 2009 iSonic 122 with 40 cm fin and Severne 7.6m SSR. Absolutely killer combination, everything felt balanced the whole time.
Steve200 (37512km):
5971 days ago 2 categories   First sail on slalom gear in nearly 5 months. Thats what happens with a new job working almost 6 days a week. I cannot believe how rusty I am, just goes to show even if you only get out once a week it keeps you in touch. Wind was meant to get up to 25 knots but it was only 15-20 knots SSW. Anyway great to be back out again. Dave has been sailing all day and he may have a distance record coming up so stay tuned. I had the 08 Isonic 122 and 6.6 SSR Severne. Should have rigged up the SSR 7.6 because I was under powered most of the time, thought it would have got windier.
Johno (4871km):
5969 days ago 1 categories  Moulting Lagoon again, SE wind, yesterday it was NNE couldnt get past a shallow spot southern end of my runs or it would really open up into some 5-6 k runs tried to stay out today for some distance to help Dave but he didnt need any and I ran out of wind. I think I improved my hr today Stype 126 Koncept 6.6 34 venom (Edit wrong date)