Laff77 (1278km):
5905 days ago A really great afternoon on the water. Wind was around 20-25 knots, water was pretty smooth and best of all: NO FREAKIN LITTLE SHITS! Was on my 93ltr S-type with my 6.6 Daytona. Last time I was out on this combo it was really uncomfortable and sucked, but today I put the harnes lines further back and the setup felt unreal. Didn't get the fastest runs, but had a great afternoon blasting about and enjoying the relatively smooth water. Also nailed a few sweet gybes which is always nice 
Waiting4wind (683km):
5905 days ago Out on the 6.7m and TB62. Started off a bit light with lots of holes. Wind gradually build up to a solid 20-25 but so did the chop.
I didn't quite get my timing today, kept missing the good gusts in my flat water sections...maybe that's why the water was flat. Tommorow's looking good with a stronger forecast.