Laff77 (1278km):
5900 days ago THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN A really good afternoon out at Kyeemagh. Wind was blowing 25-30 knots with some bigger gusts at times. Water was relatively flat which was suprising given the wind strength... Was on my 93 ltr S-type and my 6.0 Daytona. Got some good runs in, trying to sqeeze out as much speed as I could. Was a bee's preverbial away from breaking some of my PBs, but oh well, that's life. Still nothing will take away what a great session especially to be sailing with the regular crew WOOOO HOOOOO!
Waiting4wind (683km):
5900 days ago It was a great day sailing today. Started on my 7.8 and 90L TB62. Got the sail really dialed and i was amazed that it was managable in 25 knots. Then down to the 6.2 an 80L slalom (TB58). It was quite comfortable sailing fast today as the water wasn't too bumpy. Unfortunately when i looked at my GPS after which i thought was a blistering run, it was off, batteries dead. but got some good speed reading anyhow.