Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Izaak Perkins | | | | | | |
Anthony Perkins | | | | | | |
Russell Dowd | | | | | | |
Anthony Houston | | | | | | |
Kaleb Smith | | | | | | |
Jez | | | | | | |
Al Bach |
Dave Morehead |
Bear |
Stewart McKay |
James Brient |
Jordan Murray |
Gordo |
Richard CS |
Johno |
Jack |
Ray Thorne |
Jason |
Tom |
Fubbs |
starboardsailor |
Paul Tenteye |
Geoff Broomby |
Easty |
Kazza |
Marlon |
Jodi |
Fos |
Sim |
Azza |
Ben Wilson |
Waynos |
Klaas Hartmann |
geared4knots |
Will |
Liana Perkins |
Corkers |
veitz |
Shorty |
Matt Webster |
Jules |
Johnny |
Al |
cookie |
Parky |
Barry |
Hughie |
Sampson |
Breno |
Fletcher |
Todd Sushames |
Jimmy |
TGale |
Dave Jack |
Old Man Steve |
Jock C |
JimoKG |
brad peters |
DJ |
Angus C |
James Park |
Kelso Pete |
Chol |
Latte |
Parky jnr |
WickedP |
mort67 |
VT |
Tom Males |
Average | 34.27 | 32.48 | 19.30 | 23.88 | 25.42 | 187.42 |
Izaak Perkins (22975km):
5211 days ago 1 categories  Quick early sail on the sand bar and focused on a few alphas.
NP RSR EVOII 5.5,Falcon 91,Select GPS/Speed 31cm
Anthony Perkins (23529km):
5211 days ago Almost good, really on and off.Rode the JP 59 again today and really liking it.
North Warp F2009 6.3,JP Slalom IV 59cm
Merry Christmas the lot of you!!
Russell Dowd (7146km):
5211 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU
God it was choppy!!!! and confused chop as well, made it a bit scary to lock down and blast 5.0 2011 Koncept and Fanatic Falcon 79. c3 30 Venom that fin is so good in bad chop!!!!
I am actually very happy with my speeds in those conditions it was hard work and the 5.0 was not fully wound up. Nice jumps as well.
Anthony Houston (2200km):
5211 days ago 1 categories  Dorans, TAS, AU
Dammit didn't hit 30 knots
Kaleb Smith (21269km):
5211 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU
Merry Christmas Speed Seekers!
Crazy out of control session!
Jez (11680km):
5211 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU
Board: Starboard Futura 111
Sail: AeroTech Charge 4.7
Wow what an afternoon of wild weather down at Doran's, but great fun! Must thank Ant and Russ for the words of encouragement and support to get me out there today. It was good fun and good experience.
Great to see so many people out, well done to everyone on their results and Kaleb you're a MACHINE!