Sailor | 2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) | ||||||||||||
Karl |
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Adrian Vos |
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Jethrow | ||||||||||||||||||
Waiting4wind | ||||||||||||||||||
Laff77 | ||||||||||||||||||
Peter (Wineman) | ||||||||||||||||||
Roar | ||||||||||||||||||
Carol | ||||||||||||||||||
AlfaMale | ||||||||||||||||||
Sparky | ||||||||||||||||||
Artur Kowalski | ||||||||||||||||||
Cheeky Monkey | ||||||||||||||||||
George | ||||||||||||||||||
Remi Dunoyer | ||||||||||||||||||
Nigel | ||||||||||||||||||
Barks | ||||||||||||||||||
Palleaon | ||||||||||||||||||
JohnM | ||||||||||||||||||
Dean Seal | ||||||||||||||||||
Starboard64 | ||||||||||||||||||
Andrew | ||||||||||||||||||
Erik | ||||||||||||||||||
Dieter | ||||||||||||||||||
Rico | ||||||||||||||||||
Rodskeg | ||||||||||||||||||
Jules | ||||||||||||||||||
Greg Kay | ||||||||||||||||||
Remi Roques | ||||||||||||||||||
Average | 27.17 | 25.41 | 12.24 | 18.04 | 19.02 | 73.58 | ||||||||||||
Karl (3279km): Kyeemagh, NSW, AU Tabou Rockets 140 and 105 Loft 02s 7.4 and 5.9 Select 35cm fin and old Multifin 28cm wave/slalom
Reasonably strong NE seabreeze that just got stronger as the arvo went on.
A really good day on the water. In the morning I helped teach a new sailor. In the afternoon a bit of crash and burning. Not too happy with the speed but oh well. Switch down to the smaller gear later but by then I was pretty well stuffed and had a cracking headache. So only had a few runs on it and not really going for it.
A great turnout. Met Sean and Ads on the beach as they had a breather from their formula training, wondering how they'd get back. Maciek and Adrian were there and both were sailing really great, as was Peter. A classic summer seabreeze.
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Adrian Vos (4142km): Kyeemagh, NSW, AU KA72 Link: What a day... I was wrecked well before I stopped, but had to get to 100kms. Met up with Karl and had a great time saioing with him. I even used his board for about half the time. So I used my hellcat 6.2 and a Tabou Rocket 105 for about half the time, and my JP FSW 92 for the rest. Went out early on the FSW, but it was too small for the conditions, so took Karl's offer up and sailed the Tabou. It is a really nice board, and I think I did my fastest speed on it. It gybes really nicely and is nice and fast. I have been off for 2.5 weeks and finally got a great sail!! Hoepfully more to come!! Cheers, Adrian
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