Sparky (3994km):
4479 days ago 2 categories   Kyeemagh, NSW, AU

84L JP Slalom IV, 6.2m RS Slalom MkIII, 29cm Select S09
Arrived late and missed the sunshine - and any hope of parking in a decent parking spot - but the wind was still cranking for a couple of hours, so no complaints! Wasn't comfortable in the gusts out in the middle to start with so headed up to the shallow end to practice gybing - managed an alpha PB but only by a whisker. Could have done better though as I ended up further upwind than I started, so will try that again some time.
Fingers sore after just a couple of hours... I have a woman's hands!
Sorry I didn't catch you Artur, I guess you'd gone by the time I arrived. Good work on the distance PB the other day btw.