Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Adrian Vos | | | | | | |
Sparky | | | | | | |
Artur Kowalski | | | | | | |
SeaSkip | | | | | | |
Remi Dunoyer | | | | | | |
Jethrow |
Karl |
Waiting4wind |
Laff77 |
Peter (Wineman) |
Roar |
Carol |
AlfaMale |
Cheeky Monkey |
George |
Nigel |
Barks |
Palleaon |
JohnM |
Dean Seal |
Starboard64 |
Andrew |
Erik |
Dieter |
Rico |
Rodskeg |
Jules |
Greg Kay |
Remi Roques |
Average | 32.57 | 30.61 | 12.78 | 20.21 | 26.98 | 50.10 |
Adrian Vos (4142km):
4115 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
KA72 Link:
First time on my new board which is an Isonic 97. Used the 7.2 Hellcat and a tectonic GW 36 fin. It flies, and I have not really tuned it in yet.
Wind came in late, but kicked in nicely. I did most of my kms before it really kicked in, and then started having some fun when it kicked in only for it to come to an abrupt end when my boom snapped about half way back. I really want to thank the 3 windsurfers who helped me get all my equipment and myself back to the shore. I did not get a chance to find you to get names and say my thanks.
I think with some tuning and get used to this setup, there are another couple knots of pace there. I was only just getting it going when the boom snapped. Really enjoyed the Isonic.
Sparky (3994km):
4115 days ago 1 categories  Kyeemagh, NSW, AU

84L JP Slalom IV, 6.2m RS Slalom III, 34cm JP fin
The first proper NE'er of the season for me, and I have to admit I was a bit tentative out there. All my fastish sessions recently have been on flat water and the chop makes things altogether more scary. Thinking about getting a narrower board for high winds - this one (60cm) just feels a bit unwieldy and is probably bigger than my 68kg really needs.
Artur Kowalski (21634km):
4115 days ago 2 categories   Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
Not fun realy. We ware waiting for wind antil late.
Exocet 122/94 sail 7.8/7sqm fin 42/33
SeaSkip (2699km):
4114 days ago Inverloch, VIC, AU
Waiting Waiting, I was told this was a rest day, but i was there to sail.
So come 7;45 PM when a 15 knot breeze came in i was out in a flash!
The middle bank was out and I had it all to myself!
145 Rocket, 8.0 GPS, 48cm fin possibly now a 47.5 cm fin with all the sand it saw.
Remi Dunoyer (24497km):
4109 days ago Kyeemagh, NSW, AU
A lot of first during this session:
- first post to GPS Team Challenge
- first time ont he new Mauisails TRX 7.7
- First rescue of Adrian hanging on to my back footstrap
Exocet RS4, Mauisails TRX 7.7 and Select Vmax2 41, top end of the sail felt unbelievable.